Automate adding Contacts and Survey Data to Constant Contact with the new Integration 🚀 👥

Now send Leads, Contacts and Survey Data from Zonka Feedback to Constant Contact automatically and put your email marketing on autopilot with the new Zonka Feedback and Constant Contact Integration

Constant Contact Integration with Zonka Feedback

Constant Contact is a powerful and popular email marketing and contact management platform. With the Zonka Feedback and Constant Contact integration you can add leads, contacts and survey data to Constant Contact Contacts and Lists, based on any conditions and filters you set. 

Learn how to integrate Constant Contact with Zonka Feedback

Introducing External Location ID to easily pass Locations in Survey Links, QR Codes & APIs

Taking surveys from different locations? We've introduced a user-friendly External Id that can be added for any Location and then used as Variable in Survey Links to pass the Location with the Survey Responses. 

How Location External Id works?

  • While adding a Location or editing any Location in Locations Module, you can add the Location External Id. 
  • This Location External Id is a Parameter in Survey Variables as 'locationId' and can be used in Survey Links, QR Codes and Web Surveys to pass Location with the Survey Response without the Survey Respondent choosing it. 
  • The Variable can be added in your Survey Link as

Why use Location External Id?

  • Location External Id is a user-friendly Id available for you to use while passing information about Location in your Survey.
  • This is very helpful in multi-location surveys where you are already aware of the location of the Survey Respondent and don't require them to fill it out.
  • These can be used in Survey Links, QR Codes, APIs.

Track how well your Team is doing with Team Performance Insights Report 👥 📈

With Zonka Feedback, you can add your Team in your account and associate Customer Feedback with them - take feedback for particular Team Members, or Team Members could specifically capture their Customer Feedback. 

In such cases, it is important to know how well your Team is doing on all the parameters you're measuring. For instance, what's the Net Promoter Score or Customer Satisfaction Score or Customer Effort Score for all customers by Team Member A vs Team Member B and so on. 

We now have a Team Performance Insights Report to help you evaluate how well your Team is doing and see their performance on all questions and CX Metrics. 

How to access Team Performance Insights Report on Zonka Feedback?

Here's how you can accessing Team Performance Insights Report: 

  1. Navigate Analytics in the Survey you'd like to see Team Performance Report for. 
  2. Click on Insights Report. 
  3. Choose Team Performance to view the Report. 

What you get in the Team Performance Report?

In the Team Performance Report, you can view the following: 

  • Responses and CX Metrics against each team member and user 
  • Survey Question Analysis for each team member 
  • Team Member Performance Comparison
  • Heatmap for Team Performance Report 

Analyzing Feedback related to Team Members was never easier! 👥 📈

Introducing Integrations 🚀

Integrations make automation possible. And easy. Without the worry of coding. 

We're happy to introduce out-of-the-box integrations at Zonka Feedback. Now, besides using open APIs and Webhooks, you can connect the tools you use in one-click with Zonka Feedback and create seamless workflows (without any coding!).

The integrations ready to use and available in your account are the following. 

Slack Integration with Zonka Feedback

Slack is a very popular communication tool. You can integrate Zonka Feedback and Slack now. What you can do with Slack and Zonka Feedback integration: 

  • Set up new Survey Response Notifications to be sent to Slack Users and Channels 
  • Set up Custom Alerts for Survey Responses to be sent to Slack Users and Channels 
  • Send Surveys to Slack 

Learn how to integrate Slack with Zonka Feedback

Google Sheets Integration with Zonka Feedback

Google Sheets has made working on spreadsheets and collaborating on-the-go very easy. With the Google Sheets and Zonka Feedback Integration, you can automate sending new Survey Responses to new or existing Google Sheets in real-time. 

Learn how to integrate Google Sheets with Zonka Feedback

Mailchimp Integration with Zonka Feedback

Mailchimp is a very popular email marketing tool. The Zonka Feedback and Mailchimp integration enables you to add Survey Respondents to Mailchimp Lists and Audiences automatically, based on any filters and conditions you set.

Learn how to integrate Mailchimp with Zonka Feedback

These three integrations are just the beginning! Our Integrations Team is already working on the next set of integrations and we will be bringing them to you very soon. 🎉 

View Text Analytics for all Text Box Questions 💬

Text Analytics Report is great to evaluate unstructured, open-ended questions. The Text Analytics report in Zonka Feedback gives you a Word Cloud and Word Count Table along with all the CX Metrics. 

Till now you were able to view Text Analytics for your first Comments field, but we thought why restrict it at all? So now you can view Text Analytics for all Text Box Questions in your Survey. 💬

With powerful text analytics, data gets organized for your Customer Happiness Teams to give you deep insights into what drives customers, in their own words, and what improvements you can make for your customers, employees and brand.

View Survey & Contact Variables to easily pass data in Email, SMS and Web Surveys 🏷️

Survey Variables and Contact Variables are used to pass data and information in your Surveys and Forms when sending Surveys through Emails, SMSes, on Websites Surveys, and through APIs. They are also very helpful in enriching your survey reports. 

You can now view all your Survey Variables and Contact Variables together in your Zonka Feedback Account when you're Customizing and Distributing your Surveys under the Variables section. 

Viewing all the Variables together will make it very easy and quick for you to use Variables in your Email, SMS and Web Surveys. 🏷️

Introducing 'Duplicate Survey' so you can copy existing surveys easily 📋

You can now Duplicate Surveys, in your Zonka Feedback account, in one-click to create copies of an existing survey. This will drastically reduce your survey creation time as well as time to get started with distributing the survey. 

Duplicate Surveys work very easily. You simply have to select the survey you'd like to make a copy of and duplicate it. While duplicating, you can choose the name of the survey, it's the description and it's ready for customization. All questions, settings, and styling including background, font color, and logo will get copied to the new survey. 

Once done, you can make edits in the survey, if required, and start distribution! 

We love it when something saves time and are sure this will come very handy to you as well! Happy Surveying 📋

Dig deep into data with Drill Down Reports 📊

When you're viewing reports, you often want to drill down to view actual responses for a corresponding data set, without moving away from your report. 

For instance, if you're viewing a report for a Customer Satisfaction Survey, you may want to drill down to the actual responses of the Unhappy Customers from within the report itself. Now imagine, you've filtered your report by a specific time period, by location, by specific contact attributes (say premium users) and a few more filters to get a specific set of data — the drilling down to specific responses becomes even more useful and powerful. 

Now you have that power in Zonka Feedback. 

How do Drill Down Reports help?

  1. Gives you in-depth Insight into Survey Response Data 
  2. Gives Instant Access to Responses without navigating away from Reports
  3. Makes your reports interactive and powerful
  4. Saves time

How do Drill Down Reports work on Zonka Feedback?

Accessing Drill Down Reports is really simple. 

  1. Navigate to the report you'd like to Drill Down. 
  2. Select any filters from the top navigation (Date, Filters). 
  3. Scroll down to your report. 
  4. Click on any value in the report. 
  5. Once you do, the relevant responses for that result will open in a sidebar.

    Note: You can click on any Response to view it in detail. While at it, you can also add Tags, add notes, add tasks, star the response, and mark it as important. Basically, take action while viewing the report.

    Once done, simply close the response and you'll be back in your report. 

Drill Down Reports work for every report in your Zonka Feedback Account — Snapshot, Insights, Trends, Text Analytics, and Tags Analytics.  

Retain Question Filters when navigating from Reports into Inbox and vice versa in Analytics

It's really tedious to add filters again and again while looking at your responses and reports. So we've made it super easy for you. Now when you switch from your Survey Response Inbox to the Reports and Analytics, the Survey Filters will be retained and don't have be applied again! Same when you navigate from Analytics to Response Inbox. 

This should be super handy in navigating between Reports and Response Inbox quickly and more effectively. 

Note: All other filters, like Date, Location, Survey Filters, Contact Attributes are already retained when you navigate between Reports and Response Inbox.  

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