Introducing sign-up and login with Google and Microsoft

We now have options to create an account and log in with Google and Microsoft. This provides a seamless, secure, and fast way to create an account and log in to your account. 

Don't worry; your existing account will remain intact, and you can continue using it as before. The Google and Microsoft login options are simply additional ways to make your experience even more convenient.

Introducing New Web Widgets — Slide Up and Bottom Bar

We are excited to announce the launch of two powerful survey web widgets - Slide Up and Bottom Bar - on Zonka Feedback! These new widgets are designed to provide you with more flexibility and options to gather valuable insights from your website visitors.

Slide Up Surveys

Slide Up Surveys appear as an overlay from the bottom of the web page, providing a non-intrusive approach to engaging users. Similar to Popup Surveys, Slide Up Surveys can be triggered based on user activity or time intervals. For instance, you can choose to display the survey after a transaction, when a user visits a new page, spends a specific amount of time on the website, or scrolls through a certain percentage of the page.

💡 Ideal for Post-Transaction Feedback and Lead Generation: These surveys are ideal for gathering feedback after transactions on websites and eCommerce platforms. Additionally, they work wonders as lead generation forms, offering an unobtrusive way to capture user information and insights.

💫 Seamless User Experience: Unlike traditional popup surveys, Slide Up Surveys are designed to seamlessly integrate into the browsing flow, allowing you to collect valuable feedback without disrupting your customers' experience. They're great if you'd like to get customer feedback or information without interrupting the user flow. 

Bottom Bar Surveys

Bottom Bar Surveys are clickable buttons strategically placed on the bottom right or left side of your web page. When visitors click on the button, the survey opens up, providing a user-friendly way for customers to engage and answer questions.

🎯 Opt-In Surveys
Bottom Bar Surveys are perfect for opt-in scenarios, where customers and visitors can easily click on the button to access the survey and share their valuable opinions.

🔧 Customize Widget Settings
In the Web Widgets settings, you have complete control over the appearance, targeting, and behavior of the Slide Up and Bottom Bar Surveys. You can configure these widgets to display surveys at the right time to the right users, maximizing engagement and response rates.

These new survey web widgets will elevate your feedback collection strategy and empower you to make data-driven decisions to enhance user experience and boost overall satisfaction.

Log in to Zonka Feedback now and explore the Slide Up and Bottom Bar Surveys to change the way you interact with your audience!

As always, we value your feedback and would love to hear your thoughts on these new additions. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team or write to us at

Link Survey & Web Embeds now moved to a new Distribution Tab

Link Surveys, QR Code Surveys and Web Embed Surveys now have a new home. You can find them in the 'Link' tab in the Survey Distribution section. While all web widgets continue to exist in the 'Web' distribution tab. 

We were made aware through customer feedback and queries, that it wasn't the easiest to find Link and Web Embed options when they were placed in the Web Widgets tab. And therefore decided to give you an easier way to find and start using Link and Embed Surveys. 

Introducing Advanced User Segmentation - Making Product Feedback more powerful

To reach the right audiences, at Zonka Feedback you could already create dynamic lists using contact attributes, but so often it is necessary to slice and dice your audiences based on their source of visit, their interaction with previous surveys, their customer experience metrics and scores, how many times they visited a page, how many pages they visited, and so on. And now you can do that with Zonka Feedback.  

With Advanced User Segmentation create dynamic segments and groups using powerful filters, deliver the right surveys at the right time to the right audiences and get analytics that matter.

User Segmentation offers a deep level of granularity that was not possible earlier. You can create Static Segments that essentially work as static lists. But what we are bringing to the table is Dynamic Segments - a way for you to pick filters and conditions and create dynamic lists for focused targeting.

Segments can be created using filters like:
  • Contact Attributes: Standard and Custom Attributes like Name, Email, Language, Time Zone, Gender, Plan and so on.
  • Visit Analytics: First Seen Date, Last Seen Date, Pages Visited, Number of Pages Visited, Number of Sessions, First Source Visited
  • Scores: Average NPS, CES and CSAT or the latest NPS, CES and CSAT
  • Survey Interactions: Survey was partially answered, answered, not answered, viewed or not viewed and by different channels

Segments can be added to Web Widgets in Feedback Buttons, Popups and Popovers. Beyond in-product, website and in-app feedback, segments can also be used as lists for Email Surveys as well as SMS Surveys. 

Segmentation also offers an opportunity for businesses to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. By targeting surveys to specific audiences, businesses can address the specific needs and pain points of their customers. This personalized approach can help build a stronger relationship with customers and increase customer loyalty.

Furthermore, by targeting the right audience with surveys, businesses can gather more meaningful data and insights. This can lead to more effective decision-making and ultimately improve the overall customer experience.

Note: Data for Survey Interactions and Contact Activity is available from April 7, 12 AM GMT.

Connect your own SMS Gateway Account to send SMS Surveys

Many businesses already use SMSes to communicate with their customers - marketing messages, confirmation SMSes and more. In such cases, it makes sense to use the same gateway account to send SMS Surveys to customers. 

With Zonka Feedback, you can now connect your own SMS Gateway Account and send SMS Surveys to customers through the same. You can either use an existing SMS Gateway Account or sign up for a new one, add your API credentials to Zonka Feedback and connect your account. 

When you connect your own SMS Gateway Account, the surveys are composed and set in Zonka Feedback and are sent from your SMS Gateway Account. 

When to use this? 

You can use this option in multiple scenarios. 

  • If you already have an SMS Gateway account, you can connect it directly. 
  • If you'd like to control the cost of SMSes and monitor it at all times.

Which SMS Gateways are supported?

We currently support Twilio and SMS Gupshup SMS Gateways. Other SMS Gateways can also be connected in the Enterprise Plan, at an additional cost. 

Which plans support connecting your SMS Gateway?

You can connect your own SMS Gateway account in any plan.

Read all about SMS Surveys here

Now create surveys in Turkish, Polish, Cantonese, Gaelige, Cymraeg and Afrikaans languages

We have added support for 5 more languages which would enable you to create surveys that reach out to a more linguistically diverse audience. The 5 languages are:

  • Turkish
  • Cantonese
  • Gaelige
  • Cymraeg
  • Afrikaans

Creating multilingual surveys ensures that your customers are able to give feedback in the language they speak and understand. It promotes diversity, inclusivity and leads to better response rate. What's not to love? 

Introducing Microsurveys 💬

Micro Surveys are short, context specific surveys in a small size widget to collect quick responses from the targeted audience. And now you can create them in Zonka Feedback! 

They’re basically the surveys you’ve always created but just smaller size that are great for websites and in product feedback. Micro Surveys are non intrusive and great as focused surveys. 

Micro Surveys are widely used in following scenarios -

  • Website Content Feedback
  • Usability Feedback 
  • Post Transaction Surveys 
  • In Product Surveys
  • Lead Capture Surveys 
  • Exit Intent Surveys 
  • Feature Feedback 
  • And more. 

You can turn any survey into a micro survey and add them to your website or in your product. 

Ready to get started? 

New, Refreshed Navigation 🚀

With more and more features being shipped, we realized that a lot of pages that were needed for jobs-to-be-done were now 3-4 clicks away. And some things that you were likeable to set up once and then review only once a while was getting too much attention and always on your face. 

Here's everything on the new navigation 🚀

  • Dashboard and Manage Surveys are merged in the all new all-in-one-dashboard
  • Users have moved to Settings 
  • Settings has two new sections — Company Data and Users. 
  • Contact Attributes has moved to Settings > Company Data. 
  • Locations and Devices has moved to Settings > Company Data. 
  • “Users” section in Settings has three submenu options — All Users, Device Users and Agents. 

Ready to give this new navigation a spin? 😊 Go straight to your Zonka Feedback account.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to drop us a line at!

Create and manage Response Tags with the all-new Tag Manager

Use Zonka Feedback's all new Tag Manager to create, update, merge and delete tags — all in one place.

Response Tags are great to classify, categorize and manage your responses. Use the same tags across multiple surveys and assign tags to survey responses manually or automatically. 

Here's how you can go to the Tag Manager in your account.

With the all new Tag Manager, you can now control all the Response Tags in your account — and use them for categorizing your feedback responses better. 

(With Auto Tagging, you can effectively use Tags to automatically get assigned to new, incoming responses). 

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