View the context of Widget and SDK Responses

When you're taking Website and In-App feedback, knowing the context of feedback like which page the feedback was given on, the page title, and the domain becomes very useful and in a lot of cases, is very crucial. 

So, we have done a significant enhancement to our widget and in-app SDK where you can gain deeper insights into user interactions through the inclusion of context information. This context includes valuable details such as URL, Path and Domain. With this new feature, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of user behavior and engagement.

🔍 Context Information for Widgets: To provide you with richer insights, we have expanded the data captured by our widgets. The following context information is now available:

  1. URL: Know the exact web address where the widget was displayed, allowing you to understand user behavior within different web pages or sections of your website.
  2. Path: Dive deeper into user journeys by examining the specific page or route within the URL where the widget was encountered. Gain insights into how users navigate your website and where they interact with your widgets the most.
  3. Domain: Understand the originating domain where the widget was loaded. This information is particularly valuable if you have multiple domains or subdomains and want to analyze widget performance across different web properties.

📊  Context Information for In-App SDK: The following context information is now available:

  1. Screen Name: For our In-App SDK users, we've introduced the Screen Name parameter, which captures the specific screen or view where the responder has given the response.

A new look for Survey Responses

Survey Responses are one of the most viewed at Zonka Feedback, only second to Reports. And with all the growing options and information, we decided to give it a makeover. Both to make it look better and to organize the information better for easy access and viewing. 

The new Survey Response page now has two sections - on the left, you can view the Survey Response in detail along with Contact Information and CX Metrics and on the right, you can view Contact details, Channel information, Tasks, Notes, and Activities. 

The redesigned Survey Response page now is sleek, and intuitive and ensures that you're able to view all relevant information very consiely and clearly. 

Take a look and let us know your feedback. 

Now view Hidden Variables for Partial Feedback

Until now, when viewing partial feedback in your Response Inbox, hidden variables and survey variables were not available. But now you can view hidden, survey and contact variables for Partial Responses, just as you can for completed responses. 

This means you can also filter Partial Survey Responses by any variables. 

This works with all of the methods of passing variables, including query strings, uploading CSV and sending emails or SMS or using Public APIs to send emails or SMS.

(This would be available only for Partial Responses submitted after June 30) 

A New Email Survey Editor & New Email Survey Design

We have optimized our WYSIWYG Email Survey Editor, added more customization options and improved the Email Survey Design as well. What this means — easier editing, more control and amazing-looking Email Surveys. 

What's new and improved?

  • 🚀  Improved Spacing
    The line breaks and paragraph spacing has been improved, and made cleaner, leading to better readability of the email surveys and optimized line heights. 
  • 💌  Better Email Client Compatability
    Email clients vary across devices and platforms, each with its unique rendering quirks. We've meticulously tested our email surveys across a wide range of email clients to consistent display and compatibility, regardless of whether your recipients are using Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, or other commonly used clients on both desktops and mobile.
  • 🖌️ Design Updates
    You can control a lot in the design — remove the email survey border (making it look very sleek, but this is completely optional), remove headings, text, signature and the works. 

New & improved way to install the Feedback Widget

Integrating Survey Widgets into your website has become more user-friendly and visually appealing with our redesigned JS code installation page. We have incorporated a sleek new interface that simplifies the process and ensures clarity throughout.

To enhance the installation experience, we have introduced a 'Verify Installation' button. This convenient feature allows you to validate whether the code has been correctly implemented on your website or not, providing peace of mind.

Additionally, we have included helpful documentation links that serve a dual purpose. They offer step-by-step instructions for seamless installation and serve as troubleshooting resources in case any issues arise during the process.

Introducing Location-Based Redirection Logic: Enhance Customer Engagement and Drive Reviews!

Are you a location-based or franchise-based business with a geographically dispersed customer base? Do you want to direct your customers to location-specific web pages or review pages after they complete a satisfaction survey? We have great news for you! We are thrilled to introduce our new feature: Location-Based Redirection Logic.

With Location-Based Redirections, you now can set up redirect links based on the location respondents choose when starting the survey or the location you've passed with the survey. This powerful tool allows you to guide your customers to location-specific links, such as Google review pages, that are relevant to their chosen location. The benefits for location-based or franchise businesses are immense!

Choose from Popular Questions when creating your surveys

Building your own survey from scratch without choosing from any of the templates? Well, we'd made it easier for you. Now when you choose to 'Create your Survey from Scratch', you can choose from some of the popular questions to include in your survey. This prompt offers you a convenient option to swiftly select from a variety of popular questions and jumpstart your survey in no time. You can later edit the survey in the builder - add more questions and customize the selected ones. Whether you prefer NPS, Smiley Rating, Email, or other options, the choice is yours!

However, if you have specific requirements, you can still opt for the traditional approach and handpick your questions. Simply bypass this prompt and customize your survey as you like. 

Now choose Relative Time-Period (Dates) in User Segmentation

In user segments, relative dates and periods are very crucial when you are building your lists. For example, when you want to choose visitors who visited last month or signed up 3 months ago and so on.  Now you can do that in Zonka Feedback too.

Introducing Relative Time-Period in User Segmentation. Now, you can easily narrow down dynamic segments with date-based attributes using relative dates such as "is less than", "is more than" and "is exactly". These would work with attributes like Created Date, Updated Date, Last Seen Date, and all custom date-based attributes. You can use rolling dates such as 'this week', this month' or 'next quarter'.

For example, 

  • If you want to show a popup survey to a logged-in user who was last seen more than 15 days ago you can set your filters as follows: Last Seen Date - is more than - [15] days ago.
  • If you want to show a survey popup to users who have subscription renewal coming in the next week you can set your filters as follows: Next Renewal Date - is rolling date range - next week

Introducing a Revamped and Reloaded Survey & Experience Builder with AI-Powered Survey Templates

Creating amazing surveys is essentially the very first step of feedback management, and in some senses, it's the most important one too. A well-crafted survey gets you the right data for analysis and taking business decisions. 

So we decided to make creating surveys easier and swifter for you with the revamped Survey & Experience Builder. Here, you can choose from different categories of experiences you'd like to measure and choose from all-new AI-powered Survey Templates. 

Choose from a tonne of different use cases, including Customer Feedback, In-App & In-Product, Offline, Mobile & Kiosk, Helpdesk & Agent Feedback, Website Feedback or different industries like SaaS, Healthcare, Retail & eCommerce, Hospitality & Travel, Education and Finance. 

Browse through 100+ AI-powered Survey Templates with a range of different questions to choose from. Happy Survey Building :) 

Introducing Zonka Feedback SDK for iOS and Android Apps

Mobile apps are becoming more popular than ever, and businesses are realizing the importance of capturing feedback from their customers directly within their apps. To make this process easy we are super excited to announce our In-App SDK for Android and iOS Apps.

Our SDK is super easy to use and works with iOS and Android apps for mobile and tablet alike. 

Key Highlights

  • One-time installation and requires minimal development time with clear documentation.
  • Create and edit surveys from within the Zonka Feedback web platform.
  • Use at different trigger points such as, the click of a button or change of screen.
  • Choice of creating surveys with NPS, CSAT, and CES questions and more.
  • Identify users with details such as user Id, name, or email address.
  • Ability to pass additional details such as device information and app-specific information to understand the context of the response.

Check out the iOS SDK and Android SDK

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