New & improved way to install the Feedback Widget

Integrating Survey Widgets into your website has become more user-friendly and visually appealing with our redesigned JS code installation page. We have incorporated a sleek new interface that simplifies the process and ensures clarity throughout.

To enhance the installation experience, we have introduced a 'Verify Installation' button. This convenient feature allows you to validate whether the code has been correctly implemented on your website or not, providing peace of mind.

Additionally, we have included helpful documentation links that serve a dual purpose. They offer step-by-step instructions for seamless installation and serve as troubleshooting resources in case any issues arise during the process.

Introducing Location-Based Redirection Logic: Enhance Customer Engagement and Drive Reviews!

Are you a location-based or franchise-based business with a geographically dispersed customer base? Do you want to direct your customers to location-specific web pages or review pages after they complete a satisfaction survey? We have great news for you! We are thrilled to introduce our new feature: Location-Based Redirection Logic.

With Location-Based Redirections, you now can set up redirect links based on the location respondents choose when starting the survey or the location you've passed with the survey. This powerful tool allows you to guide your customers to location-specific links, such as Google review pages, that are relevant to their chosen location. The benefits for location-based or franchise businesses are immense!

Introducing a Revamped and Reloaded Survey & Experience Builder with AI-Powered Survey Templates

Creating amazing surveys is essentially the very first step of feedback management, and in some senses, it's the most important one too. A well-crafted survey gets you the right data for analysis and taking business decisions. 

So we decided to make creating surveys easier and swifter for you with the revamped Survey & Experience Builder. Here, you can choose from different categories of experiences you'd like to measure and choose from all-new AI-powered Survey Templates. 

Choose from a tonne of different use cases, including Customer Feedback, In-App & In-Product, Offline, Mobile & Kiosk, Helpdesk & Agent Feedback, Website Feedback or different industries like SaaS, Healthcare, Retail & eCommerce, Hospitality & Travel, Education and Finance. 

Browse through 100+ AI-powered Survey Templates with a range of different questions to choose from. Happy Survey Building :) 

Introducing Advanced User Segmentation - Making Product Feedback more powerful

To reach the right audiences, at Zonka Feedback you could already create dynamic lists using contact attributes, but so often it is necessary to slice and dice your audiences based on their source of visit, their interaction with previous surveys, their customer experience metrics and scores, how many times they visited a page, how many pages they visited, and so on. And now you can do that with Zonka Feedback.  

With Advanced User Segmentation create dynamic segments and groups using powerful filters, deliver the right surveys at the right time to the right audiences and get analytics that matter.

User Segmentation offers a deep level of granularity that was not possible earlier. You can create Static Segments that essentially work as static lists. But what we are bringing to the table is Dynamic Segments - a way for you to pick filters and conditions and create dynamic lists for focused targeting.

Segments can be created using filters like:
  • Contact Attributes: Standard and Custom Attributes like Name, Email, Language, Time Zone, Gender, Plan and so on.
  • Visit Analytics: First Seen Date, Last Seen Date, Pages Visited, Number of Pages Visited, Number of Sessions, First Source Visited
  • Scores: Average NPS, CES and CSAT or the latest NPS, CES and CSAT
  • Survey Interactions: Survey was partially answered, answered, not answered, viewed or not viewed and by different channels

Segments can be added to Web Widgets in Feedback Buttons, Popups and Popovers. Beyond in-product, website and in-app feedback, segments can also be used as lists for Email Surveys as well as SMS Surveys. 

Segmentation also offers an opportunity for businesses to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. By targeting surveys to specific audiences, businesses can address the specific needs and pain points of their customers. This personalized approach can help build a stronger relationship with customers and increase customer loyalty.

Furthermore, by targeting the right audience with surveys, businesses can gather more meaningful data and insights. This can lead to more effective decision-making and ultimately improve the overall customer experience.

Note: Data for Survey Interactions and Contact Activity is available from April 7, 12 AM GMT.

Now add more than one Image Capture Question in a Survey

Based on customer feedback and requests, we have removed the restriction of adding only one image capture question in your survey. Now you can add multiple image-capture questions in a single survey to allow your respondents to upload or capture multiple images while filling out the same form. 

Connect your own SMS Gateway Account to send SMS Surveys

Many businesses already use SMSes to communicate with their customers - marketing messages, confirmation SMSes and more. In such cases, it makes sense to use the same gateway account to send SMS Surveys to customers. 

With Zonka Feedback, you can now connect your own SMS Gateway Account and send SMS Surveys to customers through the same. You can either use an existing SMS Gateway Account or sign up for a new one, add your API credentials to Zonka Feedback and connect your account. 

When you connect your own SMS Gateway Account, the surveys are composed and set in Zonka Feedback and are sent from your SMS Gateway Account. 

When to use this? 

You can use this option in multiple scenarios. 

  • If you already have an SMS Gateway account, you can connect it directly. 
  • If you'd like to control the cost of SMSes and monitor it at all times.

Which SMS Gateways are supported?

We currently support Twilio and SMS Gupshup SMS Gateways. Other SMS Gateways can also be connected in the Enterprise Plan, at an additional cost. 

Which plans support connecting your SMS Gateway?

You can connect your own SMS Gateway account in any plan.

Read all about SMS Surveys here

Setup your Salesforce Surveys with Zonka Feedback using Sandbox Account

Looking at trying out Zonka Feedback Surveys for Salesforce? You can now connect your Salesforce Sandbox account instead of the production account to smoothly test out the Zonka Feedback + Salesforce integration. 

The integration with the Salesforce sandbox account works exactly like the actual integration and gives you the ability to test out the mapping easily. Once you're happy with it, you can seamlessly connect to the production account. 

How to connect your Salesforce Sandbox account to Zonka Feedback?

Simply go to Zonka Feedback + Salesforce Integration page, click on 'Connect Salesforce Account' and you will see an option to either connect your Sandbox account or production account. Choose the Salesforce option and you're good to go! 

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