New, Refreshed Navigation 🚀

With more and more features being shipped, we realized that a lot of pages that were needed for jobs-to-be-done were now 3-4 clicks away. And some things that you were likeable to set up once and then review only once a while was getting too much attention and always on your face. 

Here's everything on the new navigation 🚀

  • Dashboard and Manage Surveys are merged in the all new all-in-one-dashboard
  • Users have moved to Settings 
  • Settings has two new sections — Company Data and Users. 
  • Contact Attributes has moved to Settings > Company Data. 
  • Locations and Devices has moved to Settings > Company Data. 
  • “Users” section in Settings has three submenu options — All Users, Device Users and Agents. 

Ready to give this new navigation a spin? 😊 Go straight to your Zonka Feedback account.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to drop us a line at!

A revamped Survey Builder

Overtime, the Survey Builder has been enhanced with lots of new tabs and options like Themes, Language, Logic, Variables and more. 

With all the new additions, now we have made a few tweaks to the builder - changed a few colors, simplified the question editing options and added preview options. While none of these affect the way you create and edit surveys, they are meant to help you do your survey creation in a faster, in a cleaner space. 

Here’s whats new -

  • An all new survey preview screen
  • Switch between Desktop and Mobile preview 
  • Manage 'Adding Multiple questions in a screen' from a Settings Icon on the center preview screen 
  • Navigate between screens from the navigation buttons on the top of the preview screen 
  • A cleaner interface for editing questions 

Introducing Auto Email Responders 💬🤖

Send automated emails to customers and respondents — in a new, better and simplief way.  

With Zonka Feedback, you could set up automated emails to your respondents when a new feedback was received. Now we have updated the module with design + functional improvements to simplify the process for you. 

Auto Email Responders are very handy to 

  • Send an acknowledgement to all respondents 
  • Reach out to respondents with different messaging based on CX Metrics - NPS, CES and CSAT scores 
  • Ensure communication between your company and customers 
  • Set up testimonial requests 
  • Automate CX 

With the new Auto Responder Module, you can get — 

  • Pre-existing templates: Wondering the messaging to use for different respondents based on scores? Take advantage of pre-existing expert templates, variables and get started quicker in sending replies to your respondents. 
  • Send Auto Emails to All: Trigger thank you emails to all your respondents as soon as they have given feedback. 
  • Send Auto Emails based on CX Metrics: Compose different messages based on the score — NPS, CES and CSAT-based. 

Filter Surveys by Locations

Running different surveys across different business locations? Now filter your surveys easily with a 'Location' filter in Manage Surveys to quickly navigate to the one you're looking for. 

Here's how you can filter Surveys by Locations 

  • Go to Manage > Surveys
  • You will see a 'Location' filter on the top 
  • By default, all locations are selected. Click on checkbox for Location you'd like to view Surveys for 

Learn about Location Based Surveys

New font for your Zonka Feedback Platform 📝

Next, when you log into the Zonka Feedback Platform, you'd notice a small (but interesting) change. We've changed our font and it's really refreshing. And we love it — hope you do too.

(This will not impact the email surveys you sent from Zonka Feedback.)

Table View in Response Inbox 💬

Different teams like to view and use their data differently. And for the ones who like spreadsheets, we're presenting the Table View in Response Inbox. 

In the Table View, you can look at all your survey data and questions as separate columns and all the responses as rows. Apply all filters and choose the columns you'd like to see. 

10 Scale (Matrix) Likert Scale Question

Likert Scales are very popular for measuring preferences and satisfaction, and they're used quite often in Zonka Feedback Surveys. From a 5-point Radio Matrix or Likert Scale Question, we've now expanded to a 10-point Likert Scale question

Use the 10-scale Matrix scale to gauge the degree of satisfaction in your surveys. 

Format your Survey Questions better with Line Breaks 📝

Survey introductions, questions and instructions are not always short. They could spill over to multiple lines and paragraphs as well. By formatting questions better and adding line breaks, you can improve the readability of your survey questions  and keep the survey respondents interested and focussed. 

Add Line Breaks in your Zonka Feedback Surveys now — including Survey Questions, Welcome Text, and Thank You Message. 

Refreshed Look & Improved Experience for Web Surveys 🌟

How surveys look and work is crucial to what we do here at Zonka Feedback. 

With that in mind, we made minor tweaks (and significant improvements) to how the working of Web Surveys. 

While making everything look better, improvements in sizes and spacing, we also improved accessibility for buttons and elements. And we're very excited to share it with you. 

Here's all that's new: 

  • Done Button
    Many of our customers felt that respondents sometimes missed the Done button when they reached the last question. We took this feedback and moved the Done button to the right below the last question, making it hard to miss. 

  • Navigation Buttons
    To improve the accessibility of the navigation buttons and for respondents to scroll through the survey quickly, we moved the navigation buttons to the bottom. The controls are now together on large screens (like laptops and desktops) on the bottom right-hand side. For smaller screens (handheld devices), the navigation buttons are on the bottom on two sides.

  • Language Change Button 
    We have also moved the Language Change button to the bottom to clean up the top section for logo and branding with the navigation buttons. Respondents can easily switch language now accessing the button from the bottom left-hand side.

  • New Animation Screen Transition 

    Subtle changes make big differences. We've also added a new sleek animation when you transition from one screen to another.

Hope you enjoy the refreshed look 😊 

Overall Locations and Team Performance Analysis in Snapshot Reports 📊

You know that Zonka Feedback's Snapshot report gives you a summarized visual of all your survey data   a total number of responses, completion rate, average time, over CX metrics, Response Trends, and Response segmentation by distribution channel. 

Now you can also view Overall Location and Over Team performance trends in your Snapshot report. 

Now you can also sort your responses, NPS, CES, and CSAT score in highest and lowest order as well. 

💡Use Advanced Filters to get your personalized Overview Snapshot Report. 

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