Product Updates: Survey Themes, Enhanced Snapshot Report, Web Embed Survey Enhancements, Thai Language Support & More

More Options for Web Widgets and Web Embed Surveys

Just a couple of weeks ago, we introduced a new Web Survey Distribution Panel and now we're bringing you more enhancements to it. 

Customize Appearance for Survey Popups and Web Survey Embed 

In addition to choose Targeting and Behavior of Web Survey Popups and Embed, now you can also customize its Appearance. Choose where you'd like to show or hide Welcome Screen, Logo, and Progress. Also choose if you'd like the Web Survey Popup to auto-close when submitted. 

Support for onClose, onOpen and onSubmit Methods

Want to trigger different actions or functions when survey is opened, closed or submitted? Now you can. We've added support for onClose, onOpen, and onSubmit survey methods to trigger new action or function. For instance, if you'd like to redirect the website visitor to a different page once they've submitted a survey, you can use the onSubmit function. 

💡These functions are not part of the embed code. They can be used in your website code where you install the widget. 

Survey Themes

In addition to all the Survey Templates we rolled out recently, we're now introducing Survey Themes. 

Choose from pre-built survey themes or create your own to use in all your surveys.

Thai Language Support

Talk to your audience in their language. Introducing Support for Thai language in Surveys. 

Snapshot Report Enhancement

We've enhanced the Snapshot Report to give you more information than before. Here's all that's new in the Snapshot Report: 

  • View Total Responses, Survey Completion Percentage, Average Time to complete the Survey in the new Snapshot Report. 
  • Improved view for your CX Metrics - Net Promoter Score, Customer Effort Score and Customer Satisfaction Scores. 
  • Your latest 10 Responses. 
  • Response Trends Graph to view how your surveys are performing. 
  • Analysis for Distribution Channels, their corresponding responses, completion percentage, average time and CX Metrics. 

We've also released a lot of features in the new Survey Builder. Read more about it here

Stay updated with your customerโ€™s feedback with Help Scout and Zonka Feedback integration ๐Ÿš€

Help Scout is a cloud-based service that helps you to manage customer relationships with ease. It lets users manage several brands or products from a single account by letting them create a number of mailboxes.

Now imagine getting all your feedback in this shared inbox too and responding to all customers with embedded surveys from Help Scout. We've made it happen! Introducing Zonka Feedback's latest integration with Help Scout

With Help Scout and Zonka Feedback integration, you can set up filters and rules to sync new Survey Responses on Zonka Feedback to Help Scout as conversations. Conversations are automatically linked to Contacts in Help Scout (or new Contacts are created). This makes it super easy for your team to respond to new feedback and follow up with customers. 

Email remains the most popular way to attract survey respondents, and this integration allows you to embed surveys in your emails and know your customer’s NPS, CES, and CSAT scores. 

With the Zonka Feedback and Help Scout Integration, you can:

  • Create a new conversation in Help Scout based on some rules
  • Sync Zonka Feedback Survey response to Help Scout and attach a corresponding Tag against the Help Scout conversation
  • Embed Zonka Feedback surveys in Help Scout emails

Learn how to integrate Zonka Feedback with Help Scout

Measure the quality of your Customer Support Team with Zonka Feedback and Freshdesk Integration ๐Ÿš€

Having a great Customer Support is really helpful in ensuring the success of your business. And taking constant feedback from customers about the support they're receiving and how they perceive your Customer Support Team to be is very useful. 

Taking feedback after a ticket is updated or closed helps you measure both Customer Satisfaction as well as the performance and quality of your Customer Support. 

Knowing this, we introduced Zonka Feedback's integration with Freshdesk to make Customer Support more integrated with Customer Feedback. Freshdesk is a very popular omnichannel Support and Helpdesk Software used by brands globally. 

With the Freshdesk and Zonka Feedback integration, you can: 

  • Trigger Email Surveys after a Ticket is updated or solved
  • Send Survey Question in every Email or Trigger sent via Freshdesk
  • Create Freshdesk tickets based on Survey Responses
  • Sync Survey Response Data and CX Metrics to Freshdesk

Learn how to integrate Freshdesk with Zonka Feedback

Track all your Customer Feedback in Front with Front & Zonka Feedback Integration

A sure-shot way to establish good customer experience is to have good customer communication. Front App makes it very easy to manage all customer communication by having a shared inbox where your team can manage all conversations, assign them to the right people and set up automated workflows. 

Now imagine getting all your feedback in this shared inbox too and responding to all customers from within Front. We've made it happen! Introducing Zonka Feedback's latest integration with Front App

With Front and Zonka Feedback integration, you can set up filters and rules to sync new Survey Responses on Zonka Feedback to Front as conversations. Conversations are automatically linked to Contacts in Front (or new Contacts are created). This makes it super easy for your team to respond to new feedback and follow up with customers. 

Learn how to integrate Front with Zonka Feedback

Survey your Shopify customers with the new Shopify and Zonka Feedback Integration ๐Ÿ›’

Post Purchase is the perfect time to get feedback about product, purchase process and service. This helps companies measure, understand and improve Customer Experience. 

Now you can trigger Post Purchase Email Surveys to customers automatically after they make a purchase on your Shopify store with the new Shopify and Zonka Feedback Integration. 

Shopify is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms to help businesses sell online, on Facebook and in person. 

With the Shopify and Zonka Feedback integration, you can: 

  • Trigger Email Surveys after an order is placed 
  • Trigger Email Surveys after an order is fulfilled
  • Choose to send Email Surveys immediately or after a delay once the order is placed of fulfilled 
  • Send customer information and purchase information with the Email Survey to make filtering and segmenting Feedback and Survey Responses easy 
  • Measure CX Metrics like Net Promoter Score, Customer Satisfaction Score and Customer Effort Score 

Taking Customer Feedback after purchase is one the best, and most non-intrusive way to know how your customers feel and boost your sales. Now with the Zonka Feedback and Shopify integration, this is made super easy for you. 🛒

Learn how to integrate Shopify with Zonka Feedback

Introducing Integrations ๐Ÿš€

Integrations make automation possible. And easy. Without the worry of coding. 

We're happy to introduce out-of-the-box integrations at Zonka Feedback. Now, besides using open APIs and Webhooks, you can connect the tools you use in one-click with Zonka Feedback and create seamless workflows (without any coding!).

The integrations ready to use and available in your account are the following. 

Slack Integration with Zonka Feedback

Slack is a very popular communication tool. You can integrate Zonka Feedback and Slack now. What you can do with Slack and Zonka Feedback integration: 

  • Set up new Survey Response Notifications to be sent to Slack Users and Channels 
  • Set up Custom Alerts for Survey Responses to be sent to Slack Users and Channels 
  • Send Surveys to Slack 

Learn how to integrate Slack with Zonka Feedback

Google Sheets Integration with Zonka Feedback

Google Sheets has made working on spreadsheets and collaborating on-the-go very easy. With the Google Sheets and Zonka Feedback Integration, you can automate sending new Survey Responses to new or existing Google Sheets in real-time. 

Learn how to integrate Google Sheets with Zonka Feedback

Mailchimp Integration with Zonka Feedback

Mailchimp is a very popular email marketing tool. The Zonka Feedback and Mailchimp integration enables you to add Survey Respondents to Mailchimp Lists and Audiences automatically, based on any filters and conditions you set.

Learn how to integrate Mailchimp with Zonka Feedback

These three integrations are just the beginning! Our Integrations Team is already working on the next set of integrations and we will be bringing them to you very soon. 🎉 

Announcing Zonka Feedback CX Platform

Introducing Zonka 2.0 — upto 10x times faster than before, newer feedback channels, more powerful feedback reporting, further enabling closing the feedback loop, with solid stability and a brand new look.

Over the past 12 months, our team has focussed entirely on reinventing Zonka.

The reason? In a nut shell — to transform Customer and Employee Experiences. We have been fortunate to get an opportunity to work with some amazing companies over the past few years — truly humbled to be a part of the feedback journey for brands that are really committed to customer and employee happiness. But over time, we reached a stage where we wanted to add more value, to make a larger difference than what we did earlier, and to really turnaround how Employee and Customer Feedback and Experiences are managed today. Also, to make it easy for companies to adapt to a platform that helps them focus on what really matters — feedback and experiences. We also wanted to take this opportunity to adapt newer technologies, to become faster, to tackle technical challenges along the way, to look better and to support more companies, for years to come! The team was also always bursting with newer ideas and putting everything together, it made sense for us to rebuilt Zonka. And so we did.

Today, I'm very happy to share and introduce to you, the all-new Zonka 2.0 — Zonka Feedback rebooting as Zonka Customer Experience (CX) Management Platform with innovative CX Management & Analytics.

Here's what to expect with the all-new Zonka CX Management Platform:

  • An absolutely new and modern interface — When we sat down to plan and design the interface, we wanted the experience for the users to be fresh, and to be easy. In the classic version, we always felt that some of the important options and features didn't get enough exposure and we kept that in mind while designing the new interface. Also, since Zonka is a platform where you can manage multiple surveys and feedback campaigns together, we designed an interface that makes it effective for users to focus on one survey at a time — completely, as well as be able to look at the whole picture with Dashboard and Global Response Inbox, whenever required.

  • More engaging survey style and designs — While redesigning the platform interface, we also redesigned the feedback form and surveys. New questions, new smileys, new look and feel — it's all new and yet familiar. We have also made it easier for users to build surveys, trimmed down options that were unnecessarily complex and added intelligence to ensure better working and look and feel of the surveys.

  • Upto 10x faster — One big reason we got pushed to rebuild Zonka from ground up was to make it faster. With tens of thousands of feedbacks being collected everyday, scaling up was crucial. With more data coming in, we didn't want reports to slow down. It is now easier to access everything because everything runs faster. In addition, we have also created some very useful shortcuts in the UI that make it really one-touch to do a lot of things like distributing surveys, accessing reports, downloading reports, creating tasks and taking action.
  • With more Feedback Channels — Digitization is the way of the future. We have all known this for a long time now. With Zonka 2.0, we went ahead and added new Feedback Channels, keeping that in focus. In addition to Offline Surveys on Tablets & Kiosks, Online Surveys, Email Surveys and SMS Surveys, businesses can now use Mobile Forms for the on-the-go feedback, Web Widgets, Web Embed and Web Feedback buttons on their Website to cover all customer experience and feedback touchpoints.
    Multichannel Feedback Software

  • Email Survey Reminders & Throttling — Email Surveys have always been popular, but more so now. With the use of Email Surveys expanding, we introduced the much-needed options for sending Email Survey Reminders and Email Survey Throttling to ensure better response rate for the surveys and prevent over-surveying of customers.
    Email Survey-1

  • New Search & Filters — I'd be honest. Searching, especially through Responses, wasn't the easiest in Zonka, and desperately needed a change. At 2.0, it's a huge leap from the earlier search and is now powered with free text search along with some really powerful filters. You can literally find anything within a matter of seconds with filters like Day, Time, Survey Responses and more. I personally love running detailed searches on data and am thoroughly excited about what we have been able to achieve with it.
  • Data Enrichment with Tags, Labels and Attributes — The classic version also had the ability to add Response Tags and Labels for Locations, but with the new one we have expanded the use and introduced Contact Attributes as well. All these together are very handy for internal Zonka search but the real gain is their use in survey distribution, in reporting and in APIs.
  • Powerful new Feedback Reporting — Saved the best for the last. What is data without reporting really? And while Reporting was always a strong feature at Zonka, we wanted to exceed what we do. And we did. We have completely transformed the Feedback Reporting, added intuitiveness and what was the best Report in Zonka earlier, is now overshadowed by all the new ones! Reporting in Zonka 2.0 covers everything, and represents it beautifully, in a manner that's super effective as well as easy-to-digest. Slice and dice your data completely, with filters, graphs and numbers. With the new report suite, Zonka CX Platform now gives access to Snapshot Report, Feedback Insights, Location Insights, User Insights, Trends Reports, improved Text Analytics and more.
  • Reporting with CX Metrics — In continuation to the previous point, Reporting is now expanded to segmentation with all CX metrics you measure in your survey including Net Promoter Score®, Customer Effort Score and Customer Satisfaction Score. All reports are expanded with CX metrics data available alongside which gives a whole new perspective to your data.