Use Survey Question Filters in Response Inbox

While viewing Survey Responses, it is useful to sort out responses and look at them based on various conditions. One such important condition is their answer to a question. With the help of Survey Question Filters in Response Inbox, you can do exactly that in Zonka Feedback. 

View a subset of the responses based on the answers they gave to a question. What's more? You can add multiple Survey Question Filters while in your Response Inbox to view the exact subset you're looking for. 

For instance, in the survey above, you want to see responses of all people who had a particular type of issue and who's problem was not resolved in a timely manner. You can choose those two questions and the responses and apply the filter. Here's what you are able to see — 

With the Survey Question Filter in your Response Inbox, you can quickly filter to the responses based on the answers and take action on the most urgent ones. In a nut shell, speed up Closing the Feedback Loop.