Track your Zonka Feedback Respondent Behavior and Responses in Google Analytics 🎯📊

Seeing your Zonka Feedback Survey Respondent Behavior and Responses in Google Analytics can be extremely useful for tracking survey performance and for running marketing campaigns. You can do just that and more with the Zonka Feedback and Google Analytics integration. 

You can set up Google Analytics Tracking per survey. As the first step, start by setting up a Google Analytics account. If you already have an account, we need to find our Google Analytics Tracking ID to connect with Zonka Feedback. 

To establish the connection with Google Analytics and Zonka Feedback, do as follows: 

  1. Navigate to Surveys (Manage > Surveys).
  2. Choose the Survey from the Survey List which you'd like to see the Analytics.
  3. Click on Build > Settings from the builder's sub-menu.
  4. Settings > General Settings. 
  5. Scroll to the extreme bottom to add your Google Tracking ID.
  6. Save and done.