The All-New Survey Builder: One place to create, customize, and personalize your surveys.

Recap: In our last Survey Builder Update in May, we introduced the Survey Editor panel. And this month, we're launching the All-New Survey builder to make your Survey building and designing experience 10x times more fun and easy. 

We've introduced a new way to manage everything in your survey builder, exposed all the options and brought them together for easy access, introduced Survey Themes to help design your surveys better and faster, and lots more. 

Check out all that's new below. 

A sleek, new Navigation Panel

Switch between Survey Editor, Survey Design & Themes, Variables, Language and Survey Settings from a sleek navigation panel on the top. 

Survey Editor 

This is the old Survey Builder, but better looking. Add, re-order, structure, and view all your survey questions under this section while previewing your Survey in the center of the screen, like always. 

Survey Design 

Pick the right colors, backgrounds, and fonts that go for your Survey with Survey Themes. Choose from preset Survey Themes or create your own. 

The Look & Feel editor section is also moved here with the themes so you can design your survey all in one place. 

Survey Logic

While you could always add Survey Logic to your Surveys at Zonka Feedback to make them more intelligent and intuitive. Now you can add, edit and view all the logics together in the Survey Logic section. 

Survey Variables

Manage and create Variables while working on your Survey. Personalize your surveys and make your reporting more advanced by passing data along with your Survey using Variables.

In Zonka Feedback Surveys, you can add 3 types of Variables and pass them in your Survey. 

  • Survey Variables
    Variables related to Survey Questions. 
  • Contact Variables
    Variables related to Contact Attributes like Name, Email, Phone Number, Membership ID, Gender, Department, Address or any other Contact Attributes you create. 
  • Hidden Variables
    Any other hidden information that you'd like to pass in your survey without adding it as a Contact Attribute or a Survey Field. 

With the new Variables section in your Survey Builder, you can view, add, manage and copy variables — all in one place. 

Survey Settings

All of the Survey Settings are clubbed together in one place now as 'Settings.' So here's all that you can edit and set, 

  • General Settings
    Edit Survey Name, Title and Description. 

  • Offline Surveys
    Settings related to Offline Surveys — Survey Mode (Kiosk, Face to Face or Mobile Surveys), Survey Restart Time, Survey Timeout Time, Survey Exit options. 

  • Online Surveys
    Settings related to Online Surveys — Survey Alignment, Survey Redirection URL. 

  • Survey Language 
    Settings related to Survey Language — Languages in the Survey, Language Change Option (Screen or Button).

With the all-new builder, you can now do everything — create, add, customize, design, brand, integrate, and personalize your surveys — easily and more effectively 🥳