Stay updated with your customer’s feedback with Help Scout and Zonka Feedback integration 🚀

Help Scout is a cloud-based service that helps you to manage customer relationships with ease. It lets users manage several brands or products from a single account by letting them create a number of mailboxes.

Now imagine getting all your feedback in this shared inbox too and responding to all customers with embedded surveys from Help Scout. We've made it happen! Introducing Zonka Feedback's latest integration with Help Scout

With Help Scout and Zonka Feedback integration, you can set up filters and rules to sync new Survey Responses on Zonka Feedback to Help Scout as conversations. Conversations are automatically linked to Contacts in Help Scout (or new Contacts are created). This makes it super easy for your team to respond to new feedback and follow up with customers. 

Email remains the most popular way to attract survey respondents, and this integration allows you to embed surveys in your emails and know your customer’s NPS, CES, and CSAT scores. 

With the Zonka Feedback and Help Scout Integration, you can:

  • Create a new conversation in Help Scout based on some rules
  • Sync Zonka Feedback Survey response to Help Scout and attach a corresponding Tag against the Help Scout conversation
  • Embed Zonka Feedback surveys in Help Scout emails

Learn how to integrate Zonka Feedback with Help Scout