Refreshed Look & Improved Experience for Web Surveys 🌟

How surveys look and work is crucial to what we do here at Zonka Feedback. 

With that in mind, we made minor tweaks (and significant improvements) to how the working of Web Surveys. 

While making everything look better, improvements in sizes and spacing, we also improved accessibility for buttons and elements. And we're very excited to share it with you. 

Here's all that's new: 

  • Done Button
    Many of our customers felt that respondents sometimes missed the Done button when they reached the last question. We took this feedback and moved the Done button to the right below the last question, making it hard to miss. 

  • Navigation Buttons
    To improve the accessibility of the navigation buttons and for respondents to scroll through the survey quickly, we moved the navigation buttons to the bottom. The controls are now together on large screens (like laptops and desktops) on the bottom right-hand side. For smaller screens (handheld devices), the navigation buttons are on the bottom on two sides.

  • Language Change Button 
    We have also moved the Language Change button to the bottom to clean up the top section for logo and branding with the navigation buttons. Respondents can easily switch language now accessing the button from the bottom left-hand side.

  • New Animation Screen Transition 

    Subtle changes make big differences. We've also added a new sleek animation when you transition from one screen to another.

Hope you enjoy the refreshed look 😊