Product Updates: Survey Themes, Enhanced Snapshot Report, Web Embed Survey Enhancements, Thai Language Support & More

More Options for Web Widgets and Web Embed Surveys

Just a couple of weeks ago, we introduced a new Web Survey Distribution Panel and now we're bringing you more enhancements to it. 

Customize Appearance for Survey Popups and Web Survey Embed 

In addition to choose Targeting and Behavior of Web Survey Popups and Embed, now you can also customize its Appearance. Choose where you'd like to show or hide Welcome Screen, Logo, and Progress. Also choose if you'd like the Web Survey Popup to auto-close when submitted. 

Support for onClose, onOpen and onSubmit Methods

Want to trigger different actions or functions when survey is opened, closed or submitted? Now you can. We've added support for onClose, onOpen, and onSubmit survey methods to trigger new action or function. For instance, if you'd like to redirect the website visitor to a different page once they've submitted a survey, you can use the onSubmit function. 

💡These functions are not part of the embed code. They can be used in your website code where you install the widget. 

Survey Themes

In addition to all the Survey Templates we rolled out recently, we're now introducing Survey Themes. 

Choose from pre-built survey themes or create your own to use in all your surveys.

Thai Language Support

Talk to your audience in their language. Introducing Support for Thai language in Surveys. 

Snapshot Report Enhancement

We've enhanced the Snapshot Report to give you more information than before. Here's all that's new in the Snapshot Report: 

  • View Total Responses, Survey Completion Percentage, Average Time to complete the Survey in the new Snapshot Report. 
  • Improved view for your CX Metrics - Net Promoter Score, Customer Effort Score and Customer Satisfaction Scores. 
  • Your latest 10 Responses. 
  • Response Trends Graph to view how your surveys are performing. 
  • Analysis for Distribution Channels, their corresponding responses, completion percentage, average time and CX Metrics. 

We've also released a lot of features in the new Survey Builder. Read more about it here