Introducing Workspaces 🎉 (Organize your Surveys)

Managing your Surveys better is crucial and always something we want to continue getting better at.

Keeping that in mind, we're super ecstatic to introduce Zonka Feedback Workspaces. 🎉 

Workspaces are custom folders to categorize and organize your surveys. Group the surveys based on the category, theme, team, department, or even team member. 

You can create as many Workspaces as you like, and they'd be available for all your team members — to make collaboration easy and effective! 

Where are all your surveys now?

With the release of Workspaces, we have moved all your Surveys to the Default Workspace. You can create more Workspaces and move them around, as you like. 

Learn all about Workspaces and how to create, rename, manage and remove Workspaces.

Happy organization! 📁 🥳