Introducing External Location ID to easily pass Locations in Survey Links, QR Codes & APIs

Taking surveys from different locations? We've introduced a user-friendly External Id that can be added for any Location and then used as Variable in Survey Links to pass the Location with the Survey Responses. 

How Location External Id works?

  • While adding a Location or editing any Location in Locations Module, you can add the Location External Id. 
  • This Location External Id is a Parameter in Survey Variables as 'locationId' and can be used in Survey Links, QR Codes and Web Surveys to pass Location with the Survey Response without the Survey Respondent choosing it. 
  • The Variable can be added in your Survey Link as

Why use Location External Id?

  • Location External Id is a user-friendly Id available for you to use while passing information about Location in your Survey.
  • This is very helpful in multi-location surveys where you are already aware of the location of the Survey Respondent and don't require them to fill it out.
  • These can be used in Survey Links, QR Codes, APIs.