Get honest feedback with Zonka Feedback's Anonymous Email and SMS Surveys 📩📲

An Anonymous survey gives your respondents confidence to voice their opinions without being recognized. Yes, another good news! We are now empowering you to send Anonymous Email and SMS Surveys.

With one simple step, you can ensure that your Email Surveys and SMS Surveys are not tracked, hence ensuring complete anonymity for your survey respondents. 

Here are the steps to create an anonymous Email and SMS survey:

  1. Navigate to Manage > Surveys from the left sidebar.
  2. Choose the specific survey you would like to collect responses anonymously.
  3. After selecting your survey, click on Distribute from the top navigation.
  4. Choose Email/SMS > Respondent Tracking: Enabled from the extreme bottom of the Screen.
  5. From the pop-over, turn the 'Enable Respondent tracking for Email & SMS' toggle off 
  6. Click on Update once done.

💡To ensure that your surveys are completely anonymous, do not include any personal identifiable information questions in your survey like Contact Details, Name, Email Address, Mobile Number, IDs and so on.