AI Sentiment-based CX Workflows: Smarter, Faster Customer CX Management

Introducing Sentiment-Based Workflows—the ultimate game-changer in customer feedback management! Now, you can build powerful, automated workflows that harness AI-driven insights like sentiment, emotion, intent, and urgency detection to completely transform how your team responds to feedback. Say goodbye to slow responses and missed opportunities—these workflows empower you to act faster, smarter, and more effectively.

What makes Sentiment-Based Workflows so powerful?

With Sentiment-Based CX Workflows, you get to create custom, automated workflows that leverage the power of AI insights without the need for complex setup. Whether you're dealing with negative feedback that needs immediate attention or positive responses ready to fuel your advocacy programs, these workflows do the heavy lifting—saving your team time while ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.

Key Features and Real-World Use Cases

  1. Stop Churn in its Tracks
    Automatically prioritize negative feedback and route it for immediate action using sentiment and emotion detection.

  2. Turn Happy Customers into Advocates
    Trigger loyalty offers and testimonial requests automatically from positive feedback.

  3. Send Feedback to the Right Teams Instantly
    Route feedback based on AI-detected intent, ensuring it goes to the correct department—whether it’s a complaint, suggestion, or praise.

  4. Prioritize Urgent Feedback
    Set up workflows that categorize and prioritize high-urgency feedback, ensuring immediate action.

  5. Automate Tasks, Notifications, and Follow-Ups
    Ensure every feedback item is addressed by automating tasks and setting up notifications.

Why you’ll Love Sentiment-Based Workflows

  • Automated Churn Prevention: Negative feedback is flagged and handled before it becomes a bigger problem.
  • Faster Advocacy Building: Positive feedback leads to automated offers and testimonial requests, turning customers into promoters.
  • Smart Feedback Routing: No more manually sifting through feedback—automatically direct issues to the right teams.
  • Real-Time Issue Resolution: Urgent matters are prioritized and solved faster than ever before.
  • Effortless Task Management: Automatically create tasks and alerts, keeping your team focused and responsive.

Get Started Now!

With Sentiment-Based Workflows, managing customer feedback has never been easier or more effective. Build custom workflows that automatically prioritize, route, and respond to feedback in real-time. Start boosting your customer satisfaction today—reach out to activate this feature and see the difference it makes!