Point-to-Point Encryption Service Free Technology Preview


The Point to Point Encryption service is now available as a free Technology Preview.

Provision the service through your Thales DPoD tenant to access a Luna Cloud HSM and a set of utilities for secure storage and generation of Base Derivation Keys (BDKs) and Derived Keys. The service provides the HSM capabilities required to decrypt electronic payment transactions first encrypted by a point-of-sale terminal. Service keys can initialize point-of-sales terminals and decrypt data originating from point-of-sales terminals. 

See the P2PE Service Documentation for more information about downloading and configuring the service. 

Release GemEngine 1.5


There is a new version of GemEngine available from the Thales Support Portal with the KB article number KB0024584

The purpose of the this toolkit is to allow HSMs to install a working version of SafeNet's OpenSSL dynamic engine to be integrated with OpenSSL. 

This allows Luna Cloud HSMs to be used for key storage and crypto operations through OpenSSL. 

The toolkit can be used for:

  1. Installing pre-built dynamic engines to be plugged into existing OpenSSL installations for various OpenSSL streams (Linux only).
  2. Compiling and installing the gem dynamic OpenSSL engine against existing or new OpenSSL installations.
  3. Compiling and installing OpenSSL from source including optional FIPS mode support along with the gem dynamic OpenSSL engine.
  4. Integrating OpenSSL with 3rd party applications such as OpenSSH effectively using the HSM for crypto operations and storing keys. 

The toolkit includes a script named gembuild to help achieve the above goals.

Client Connection to Multiple Luna Cloud HSM Services


Thales Data Protection on Demand can support requests to configure a single Luna Cloud HSM Service Client to connect to multiple Luna Cloud HSM Services. A single set of Service Client credentials can be used for Key Migration between connected service partitions. 

Please download and complete the Client Connection to Multiple Services Request Form and include it in your support request to Thales Customer Support Portal

Patch for Luna service client CSP and KSP utilities


There is a new patch available for the Luna service client CSP and KSP utilities available from the Thales Support Portal with the KB article number KB0024438/DOW0007000.  This patch resolves the following issues:

  • HAPP-168   Performance Optimizations enabled in CSP for Luna7
  • HAPP-492   certutil verifystore command shows error when keys and CSR created with CSP
  • LUNA-7254  certutil issue: Not able to get the prompt back after running "certutil -store my" when KSP is registered
  • LUNA-7595  KSP keygen slow
  • LUNA-8100  citrix fas NTE_BAD_DATA from KSP
  • LUNA-8808  CSP with CryptoUser
  • LUNA-8938  citrix fas issue ckr_device_memory for KSP
  • LUNA-12715 Update the KSP code to accept the new and old certificates
  • LUNA-14732 CSP SHA2 signing error on Windows 10 Docker container (kspcmd utility)
  • LUNA-15597 Luna KSP CKA_EXTRACTABLE test case for UC 10.4.0 regression test
  • LUNA-17051 MS HGS integration
  • LUNA-21611 CSP import PFX fix
  • LHSM-41992 Microsoft HGS supported algorithms and flags are required for KSP
  • LHSM-42509 repair ksp for citrix/fas app
  • LHSM-42911 certutil crash wrt ksp and csp
  • LHSM-42949 delete key via csp
  • LUNA-21906 Improve KSP Resiliency/Recovery
  • LUNA-21911 kspcmd.exe doesn't exit after registering slot

The patch includes a readme.txt file which provides instructions for updating your Luna service clients CSP and KSP utilities. 


  • NOTE 1. Ensure to set "FunctionBindLevel=2" in the Misc section of crystoki.ini for this release to work with clients UC 10.3 or earlier.
  • NOTE 2. For Luna Cloud HSM Services, disable session cache in the registry as shown in the following REG file sample:

        Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

SHA Checksum:     e06cc15eb7906d6a2730f8cfac746a0e57b765896beea342d00590febb334cda

Removed API Endpoints


The PATCH /tenants/{id}/admin/reset and POST /tenants/{id}/admin/resetMfaToken operations have been removed from the DPoD Platform API.

Service provider administrators can no longer reset the password or MFA token of a user inside of a child tenant.  Users can use the self-service resources in the DPoD platform or submit requests to an available administrator. See User Management for more information.

10.3 Luna Cloud HSM Service Client


  • Version 10.3 of the HSM service client is now available for download from Thales Data Protection on Demand. This client supports hybrid usage of both Luna Cloud HSM services and the Luna HSM product line, as detailed in the HSM on Demand Client User Guide. See Upgrading your Luna Cloud HSM Service Client for more information about updating your Luna Cloud HSM service client.

Bugs Found

  • LUNA-14009 - Executing cmu verifyhsm does not prompt the user to enter a challenge string. Always specify a challenge string using cmu verifyhsm -challenge <string>.
  • LUNA-13907 - Requesting a certificate using cmu requestcertificate using the wrong attribute to specify the private key returns an incorrect error message. Use the -privateouid to specify a private key on a Luna Cloud HSM service.
  • LUNA-13780 - Executing cmu import to import a DSA key fails. Use an RSA public key instead.
  • LUNA-13761 - Executing cmu selfsigncertificate with no arguments specified, on Linux, cmu fails to prompt the user for the relevant object handles/OUIDs. Always specify the object handles/OUIDs using -publichandle and -privatehandle or -publicouid and -privateouid.
  • LUNA-12822 - ckmdeo option Get OUID (39) returns OUIDs with extra zeroes appended. Use option Get Attribute (24) to view the correct OUID.
  • LUNA-11269 - In HA configurations, where a Luna Cloud HSM service is configured as a standby, some events (such as when a connection drops and recovers due to a timeout when contacting the service) are not recorded in the HA log file.
  • SH-5595 - Deriving X9.42 DH2 keys returns CKR_OBJECT_HANDLE_INVALID. We recommend you avoid upgrading your Luna Cloud HSM service client until the issue is resolved. 
  • SH-4194 - Executing cmu getpkc to confirm a public key can fail. Execute the ckdemo Display Object (27) function to confirm the key pairs origins and security in the HSM. If the CKA_NEVER_EXTRACTABLE attribute is present it confirms that the private key was created in the HSM and has never been extracted.

Bugs Fixed

  • SH-4987 - The displayed serial numbers of self-signed certificates created using cmu selfsigncertificate now match the input serial number.

Update to Service Elections Process


Bugs Found

  • DPS-6769 - The Salesforce Key Broker service does not update the Last Modified At and Modified By columns in the Service Details tables when service secrets are updated.

Bugs Fixed

  • DPS-6737 DPoD Terms of Service now display correctly in the Safari browser. The DPoD Terms of Service are always available from the support portal. 
  • DPS-6761 - If the DPoD user interface cannot display the Salesforce Secret Type, the DPoD user interface will display the Salesforce value. 

Release 1.17.3


  • The DPoD service client is now fully compatible with CipherTrust Manager version 2.1, allowing Luna Cloud HSM services to act as the root of trust for CipherTrust Manager Instances. 
  • The Service Provider Tenant Service Report, a report on all Tenants and the Services they are consuming, is now available for Service Provider Tenants in the DPoD platform. See Reporting for more information about the new report.
  • The External Marketplace Name and External Marketplace Account Id columns have been added to all Service Provider reports in the DPoD platform.
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