Deprecated API Parameters on POST /serviceAgreements and GET /serviceAgreements/{tenantId} endpoints

The DPoD Platform API has deprecated the tileId parameter on the POST /serviceAgreements endpoint and the tileName parameter on the GET /serviceAgreements{tenantId} endpoint.

The  tileId parameter on the POST /serviceAgreements and tileName parameter on the GET /serviceAgreements{tenantId} endpoint will be removed from the platform in a future update.

See the Subscriptions API for more information about available endpoints, fields and scopes.

Audit Logs Available for Luna Cloud HSM Services

Thales Data Protection on Demand now collects audit logs for Luna Cloud HSM Services using client version 10.2 and newer. Users can generate audit log files and retrieve signed URLs for access to the audit log files using the Audit Query API /v1/audit-log-exports endpoint. Audit logs provide a record of the outcome of an action by an actor on a resource. 

For more information about Audit Logging see About the Audit Log API

Additional Field is Being Made Mandatory for Service Creation using the API

The servicePlan field is being made mandatory for service creation when using the API, for example when using POST/service_instances or POST/services.

If you use the API to provision services, you will need to pass a value matching one of the plans listed in the Open Service Broker catalog. For Luna Cloud HSM services, you must pass "single_hsm". Failure to pass a valid plan will result in a 400 error.

See the Thales Documentation Portal for more information about available endpoints and fields.

Updates to DPoD Platform

Additional Fields are now Mandatory for Tenant Registration

The following fields are now mandatory for tenant registration:

  • Address
  • City
  • ZIP Code
  • State/Province/Region*

* Mandatory if Country is set to United States, Canada, or Australia

Input fields will be trimmed for tenant registration

The input fields for tenant registration, excluding the password field, will be trimmed. Leading and trailing spaces on input fields, excluding the password field, will be removed by the platform during registration. 

If you have automation using the API for tenant registration and tenant updating you should modify your automation to account for this behavior. 

See the Data Protection on Demand (DPoD) API for more information.

Additional registration fields are being made mandatory for tenant registration

The following fields are being made mandatory for tenant registration when Country is set to United States, Canada, or Australia:

  • State/Province/Region

If you have automation using the API for tenant registration and tenant updating you should modify your automation to account for these new mandatory fields. 

See the Data Protection on Demand (DPoD) API for more information about available endpoints and fields.

Additional registration fields are being made mandatory for tenant registration

The following fields are being made mandatory for tenant registration:

  • Address
  • City
  • ZIP or postal code

If you have automation using the API for tenant registration and tenant updating you should modify your automation to account for these new mandatory fields. 

See the Data Protection on Demand (DPoD) Public API for more information about available endpoints and fields.