Floating IP for Luna Cloud HSM Datacenters

Starting in January 2024, Luna Cloud HSM Datacenters will be configured with a floating IP address. Users should be aware that any client configuration that relies on a static IP address configuration will no longer operate once this change is made. Please consult the Client Network Connectivity Documentation for information about configuring your client environment. Thales does not recommend using any static IP filtering when accessing the service. Should your configuration require the use of static IP address filtering, please contact Thales Customer Support for more information.

The Luna Cloud HSM for DKE service is now available

The Luna Cloud HSM for DKE service is now available for trial and subscription. 

Provision the service through your Thales DPoD Tenant to access a Luna Cloud HSM partition and the Luna Key Broker for Microsoft DKE service software. Use the service software to create a Microsoft DKE endpoint by running the included container and connecting the Luna Cloud HSM service for secure storage of DKE cryptographic keys. 

See the Luna Cloud HSM for DKE documentation for more information about provisioning and configuring the service.

Added support for additional Key Access Justification reason codes to the Key Broker for Google Cloud EKM service

The DPoD Key Broker for Google Cloud EKM service now supports the following Key Access Justification reason codes:


For more information about the service see Key Broker for Google Cloud EKM. For more information about the newly supported codes see Key Access Justification Reason Codes.

Subscriptions visible through the DPoD Portal

Thales Data Protection on Demand has made the following changes to how billing and service subscriptions work in DPoD:

  • The trial state no longer applies to the tenant, tenants are instead entitled to a 30-day evaluation period for each unique DPoD service type. The trial begins when you first create a new DPoD service of a service type and deleting the service does not stop or pause the trial.
  • The Service Elections submission and approval process remains unchanged, but it now triggers the conversion of trial subscriptions to production subscriptions or directly creates production subscriptions. When a service elections form is processed the selected service types become paid subscriptions.
  • Service providers, tenant administrators and application owners can review their subscription data using the Subscriptions tab in the DPoD GUI.
  • All services of a new service type provisioned after April 15th are "Trial" subscriptions, with a 30-day evaluation. 

Tenants that have an accepted Service Elections form will have the following changes: 

  • All paid subscriptions (DPoD Monthly, DPoD Term, Google) will be visible from the Subscriptions tab in the DPoD GUI.
  • All services created before April 15th under a service elections form become "Term" (or "Uncommitted" if the Term is expired) subscriptions.
  • All services created before April 15th and not under a service elections form become "Uncommitted" subscriptions.

Tenants that do not have an accepted Service Elections form will have the following changes:

  • All existing services become "Trial" subscriptions, beginning April 15th, with a 30-day evaluation. 

Note: If your tenant is unable to retrieve and display subscriptions please contact Thales support to resolve the issue. You will be unable to provision new services until the issue is resolved. 

CipherTrust Data Security Platform Beta in EU

The CipherTrust Data Security Platform is now visible in EU tenants as a beta service offering. Access to the beta service is restricted at this time. The beta service is disabled in all tenants that are not participating in the beta.

For more information about registering for the CipherTrust Data Security Platform beta please contact steve.kingston@thalesgroup.com.

Luna Cloud HSM Partition Cloning Fails with the 10.5 Client

Bugs Found 

  • DPS-10104 - Luna Cloud HSM Partition Cloning Fails with the 10.5 Client
    Cloning keys between two Luna Cloud HSM partitions fails when using the 10.5 client. There are currently two possible workaround scenarios.
    -> Workaround #1 - If there is a Luna SA7 (or any other separate device to use as an intermediary for the cloning) then clone to and from that device.
    -> Workaround #2 - If there is no separate device then completely uninstall the 10.5 client and install the 10.4 client from scratch. For this option please raise a support ticket to the Thales Customer Support portal to request to join the 2 partitions together as the 10.4 client does not support dynamic partition loading.
    You can make the request by following this link:
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