Additional Fields are now Mandatory for Tenant Registration
The following fields are now mandatory for tenant registration:
- Address
- City
- ZIP Code
- State/Province/Region*
* Mandatory if Country is set to United States, Canada, or Australia
Additional Fields are now Mandatory for Tenant Registration
The following fields are now mandatory for tenant registration:
* Mandatory if Country is set to United States, Canada, or Australia
Version 10.4.1 of the Luna HSM client is now available for download from the Thales Customer Support Portal. This client supports hybrid usage of both Luna Cloud HSM services and the Luna HSM product line, as detailed in the Luna Cloud HSM Client User Guide.
The Thales Luna Cloud HSM service is now available through Google Cloud Marketplace. Provisioning a Luna Cloud HSM service through Google Cloud Marketplace automatically generates a Thales Data Protection on Demand (DPoD) tenant and registers the user as the primary tenant administrator. The DPoD tenant provides access to features such as reporting and user and account management.
See the Thales Luna Cloud HSM service and Thales Data Protection on Demand documentation for more information.
Thales Data Protection on Demand can support requests to restore a Luna Cloud HSM Service partition to a previous state.
Partition snapshots are taken daily and stored for 7 days. A tenant administrator can submit a partition snapshot restore request to have a partition restored to a previous state. Users can request restoration of a partition to recover from catastrophic events such as accidental zeroization of the service partition. Partition rollbacks can take up to 48 hours to complete.
Restoring a partition will undo any changes made to the service partition since the backup date, this includes removing new objects from the service partition and resetting password changes.
Please download and complete the Partition Snapshot Restoration Request Form and include it in your support request to Thales Customer Support Portal.
See the Partition Snapshot Restoration Guide for more information.
CipherTrust Key Broker for Google Cloud EKM service users can now access their DPoD platform tenant. Users can log in to their tenant hostname URL to access DPoD platform features such as User Management, Tenant Management, and Reporting.
CipherTrust Key Broker for Google Cloud EKM service tenants do not have access to tenant features such as Subscriber Groups or Adding Services.
Data Protection on Demand sends an email alert on service creation. Tenant Administrators and Application Owners in the subscriber group where the service is created receive an email alert on service creation.
The Point to Point Encryption service is now available as a free Technology Preview.
Provision the service through your Thales DPoD tenant to access a Luna Cloud HSM and a set of utilities for secure storage and generation of Base Derivation Keys (BDKs) and Derived Keys. The service provides the HSM capabilities required to decrypt electronic payment transactions first encrypted by a point-of-sale terminal. Service keys can initialize point-of-sales terminals and decrypt data originating from point-of-sales terminals.
See the P2PE Service Documentation for more information about downloading and configuring the service.
There is a new version of GemEngine available from the Thales Support Portal with the KB article number KB0024584.
The purpose of the this toolkit is to allow HSMs to install a working version of SafeNet's OpenSSL dynamic engine to be integrated with OpenSSL.
This allows Luna Cloud HSMs to be used for key storage and crypto operations through OpenSSL.
The toolkit can be used for:
The toolkit includes a script named gembuild to help achieve the above goals.
Thales Data Protection on Demand can support requests to configure a single Luna Cloud HSM Service Client to connect to multiple Luna Cloud HSM Services. A single set of Service Client credentials can be used for Key Migration between connected service partitions.
Please download and complete the Client Connection to Multiple Services Request Form and include it in your support request to Thales Customer Support Portal.
There is a new patch available for the Luna service client CSP and KSP utilities available from the Thales Support Portal with the KB article number KB0024438/DOW0007000. This patch resolves the following issues:
The patch includes a readme.txt file which provides instructions for updating your Luna service clients CSP and KSP utilities.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
SHA Checksum: e06cc15eb7906d6a2730f8cfac746a0e57b765896beea342d00590febb334cda