There is a new version of GemEngine available from the Thales Support Portal with the KB article number KB0024584.
The purpose of the this toolkit is to allow HSMs to install a working version of SafeNet's OpenSSL dynamic engine to be integrated with OpenSSL.
This allows Luna Cloud HSMs to be used for key storage and crypto operations through OpenSSL.
The toolkit can be used for:
- Installing pre-built dynamic engines to be plugged into existing OpenSSL installations for various OpenSSL streams (Linux only).
- Compiling and installing the gem dynamic OpenSSL engine against existing or new OpenSSL installations.
- Compiling and installing OpenSSL from source including optional FIPS mode support along with the gem dynamic OpenSSL engine.
- Integrating OpenSSL with 3rd party applications such as OpenSSH effectively using the HSM for crypto operations and storing keys.
The toolkit includes a script named gembuild to help achieve the above goals.