There is a new patch available for the Luna service client CSP and KSP utilities available from the Thales Support Portal with the KB article number KB0024438/DOW0007000. This patch resolves the following issues:
- HAPP-168 Performance Optimizations enabled in CSP for Luna7
- HAPP-492 certutil verifystore command shows error when keys and CSR created with CSP
- LUNA-7254 certutil issue: Not able to get the prompt back after running "certutil -store my" when KSP is registered
- LUNA-7595 KSP keygen slow
- LUNA-8100 citrix fas NTE_BAD_DATA from KSP
- LUNA-8808 CSP with CryptoUser
- LUNA-8938 citrix fas issue ckr_device_memory for KSP
- LUNA-12715 Update the KSP code to accept the new and old certificates
- LUNA-14732 CSP SHA2 signing error on Windows 10 Docker container (kspcmd utility)
- LUNA-15597 Luna KSP CKA_EXTRACTABLE test case for UC 10.4.0 regression test
- LUNA-17051 MS HGS integration
- LUNA-21611 CSP import PFX fix
- LHSM-41992 Microsoft HGS supported algorithms and flags are required for KSP
- LHSM-42509 repair ksp for citrix/fas app
- LHSM-42911 certutil crash wrt ksp and csp
- LHSM-42949 delete key via csp
- LUNA-21906 Improve KSP Resiliency/Recovery
- LUNA-21911 kspcmd.exe doesn't exit after registering slot
The patch includes a readme.txt file which provides instructions for updating your Luna service clients CSP and KSP utilities.
- NOTE 1. Ensure to set "FunctionBindLevel=2" in the Misc section of crystoki.ini for this release to work with clients UC 10.3 or earlier.
- NOTE 2. For Luna Cloud HSM Services, disable session cache in the registry as shown in the following REG file sample:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
SHA Checksum: e06cc15eb7906d6a2730f8cfac746a0e57b765896beea342d00590febb334cda