New content: business templates

We've added tons of new templates for businesses, with three new categories: trends for business, for business and business cards. Try them out and send us your suggestions!

Don't forget to update your app to the latest available version in the App Store. Thanks for using Mojo!

New Feature: Music Layer!

If your video edit includes music, a music track layer will now be displayed at the bottom of the timeline menu. This makes it easier to sync your media to the beat 🎶 

Remember to update your Mojo app to the latest available version in the App Store!

Share templates with your team 👥

🔒This feature is available for Mojo Teams subscribers only.

You can now create your own templates from a project, and make them available to your team. It's easy to do:

1️⃣ Open the menu of a project

2️⃣ Select Add to team templates

3️⃣ Switch to the Team templates tab to use your template for new projects

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