[New Course] GA4 Fundamentals

Hey everyone! 

We have a new course in the membership - GA4 Fundamentals! 🥳

This course will lay the foundations of your GA4 expertise, even if you are starting from scratch. Measure, report & analyze - 3 main actions to be taken when you are working with data, and we will navigate you through the whole process. You will be able to:

  • Set up a GA4 account
  • Implement GA4 on your webpage
  • Set up events & conversions
  • Troubleshoot your tracking
  • Answer your questions with the data
  • Create your reports

So let’s embark on our tracking adventure!

MM Live Training with Viola Eva🔜

Hey there! 

Our next Live Training is coming up next Thursday and our special guest this time is Viola Eva! 

Viola Eva is a world-renowned SEO strategist, with regular appearances at SEO and business conferences, from Berlin to Las Vegas. 

Topic: ''Understanding and leveraging SEO analytics''
Date: Thursday, 28th of April, at 2pm UTC

To be sure not to miss out..

Join our FB event


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See you next week!

Introducing MeasureMinds!

Are you looking for a group to brainstorm with and move your GA4 skills to new heights?

Well, look no further. It’s the first-ever MeasureMinds!

The GA4 MeasureMinds is an 8-week group call to learn, share and discuss ideas around using Google Analytics 4 to its fullest potential.

Each week (on Tuesdays) a 60-minute call will be held with a specific GA4 topic to be discussed. Before each call, we'll send you a GA4 MeasureChallenge to view, create or implement a part of GA4. In the call, we'll discuss and share best practices about this Challenge as well as answer any questions.

This week's topic: ''UA to GA4 Migration''

Join us on Tuesday, 12th of April at 2pm UTC!

To be sure not to miss out 👉 Join the FB event 


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See you on Tuesday!

New Naming in MeasureMasters!

Based on our recent customer feedback (thank you all!), we’ve decided to make the names of your membership areas clearer and more in line with our brand. We hope you like them! 

Courses are now 👉 Library

Resources are now  👉 Tools

Live is now 👉 Events

Office Hours are now 👉 AskUs Sessions

Community is now 👉 MastersCircle

Coaching is now 👉 MeasureMentor

The menu of the membership may change slightly, but you should be able to find everything you need as easily or more so than before 😀

[Coming Next Week] Live Training with Ken Williams!

Hey there MeasureMasters,

We have a new Live Training coming up. This time our special guest is Ken Williams

Topic: "How Google is Shaping the Future of Measurement"

When? Thursday, 2nd December at 4pm UTC (Check your Timezone)

Where? Here is the link

To be sure not to miss out  Join the FB event 👈


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See you next week!



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