Fast high-quality videos for your learners ⚑️

A much-requested feature update is here! Now 1080p videos are enabled by default for your learners.

Speed and quality are not mutually exclusive 🎯

Your videos will be stored in a queue form (linearly) and the speed will be 1:1 minute to processing speed. 30 minutes for a 30-minute video to be ready 🤝

P.S - multiple video qualities are available ensuring your content is accessible no matter the internet speed or device. 

Zoom right into your top priorities πŸ”Ž

An overview of your north-star metrics

Data is mileage for running a good business. We give you a quick overview of signups, paid users, and total revenue so your most important numbers are always at your fingertips.


Remember that task you left halfway? You probably don’t.

The new ‘pick up where you left off’ section on your homepage ensures that you can jump right back into any important task you left mid-way.

We’re totally doubling down as your productivity app for free 🤫

Launching Memberships! πŸš€

The wait is over. We have launched Memberships for our Razorpay users as well!

Here’s what you can do after launching your own Membership:

💰 Enable a recurring source of revenue

🔥 Launch a group chat for your members

📱 Use white-labeled mobile apps and deliver a mobile-first experience

⚡ Create member-only content

🤩 Provide any custom benefit to your members

✨ Share your membership link and promote it

Here's an article to help you through it.

Launch your membership and enable a recurring source of revenue for yourself!

Launching Memberships! πŸš€

The wait is over. We have launched memberships for our Stripe users!

Here’s what you can do with membership:

🔥 Launch a group chat for your learners

⚡ Create member-only content for your members

📱 Launch your membership and community on white-labeled mobile apps

🤩 Provide many more exclusive benefits to your members

Here's an article to help you through it. 

Launch your membership now! ✨

Introducing Social Login πŸ₯

We’re excited to announce a much-requested update

Now your learners can log in to your platform simply through their Facebook accounts and their Gmail IDs.

To learn how you can enable social login for your apps,
please read the articles we’ve written for you —

Social Login through Facebook for your mobile app

Social Login through Google for your mobile app

To learn how you can enable social login for your website,
please read the articles we've written for you —

Social Login through Facebook for your website

Social Login through Google for your website

Your learning community just got stronger and safer πŸ’ͺ

With the new report and block functionality, any community member can take action against objectionable content or disruptive members.

Your school will receive an email as soon as a community member flags a post as objectionable or reports another community member so that your team can take swift action.

We at Graphy aim to provide your community with a safe and inclusive experience.

To learn more, please refer to the articles on blocking members, reporting members, and reporting content

Easing your tax filings πŸ˜€

If you are collecting tax as part of your course payments, we just made your job easy. Now when you download sales reports, dedicated columns have been added for taxes like Taxable Value, Total Invoice Value, Tax collected, Tax breakup in case of GST(IGST, SGST, CGST). 

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