Subscribe to multiple teams in one event

You asked, and it's here! You can now subscribe to multiple teams in a single event. These teams will be highlighted in your notifications, and you can choose to only receive notifications for the specified teams. Here's how to use this new feature:

  • Type /frc watch to list all of your subscriptions. Click or tap Options next to the event you'd like to edit.
  • The Event Options modal has a new Additional teams field. Enter a comma-separated list of teams you'd like to subscribe to. If you only need one additional team, don't bother with commas; just type it in. These team numbers, in addition to your team number, will be highlighted in notifications, as seen below.
  • Select Just your team + additional teams if you'd like to only get notifications for the specified teams (in addition to the team number set with /frc setteam).

Congratulations; you have successfully changed your subscription preferences!

As always, please don't hesitate to submit feedback through /frc feedback, or by opening an issue on GitHub. Here are some examples of what the new notifications look like: