Chargify Now Available in HubSpot's App Marketplace

We are very excited to announce that Chargify is now listed on the HubSpot App MarketplaceThe listing provides another method for easily integrating HubSpot and Chargify. 

Updated in real-time, this bi-directional sync between Chargify and HubSpot is a game changer for those looking to gain efficiencies for their customer-facing teams while simultaneously breaking down data silos. Integrating your Chargify and HubSpot environment allows you to leverage all of your rich billing data in one application, bringing together sales, customer success, support and marketing teams. 

Many of our customers today are realizing the value of integrating their HubSpot and Chargify environments, as use cases span further than billing, finance, and accounting. Your sales team can easily sell, upgrade, downgrade and manage subscriptions through deals or quotes. Your customer success and support teams will have visibility to the wide array of billing data so they can seamlessly provide top-notice service to your customers quickly. Furthermore, your marketing team will reap benefits from having your billing data synced over to HubSpot where they can easily identify insightful growth churn trends that can drive data-based marketing campaigns.

Interested in integrating your Chargify and HubSpot environments today? Head on over to the HubSpot App Marketplace to download and install, or turn on via the configuration wizard within Chargify's 'Integrations' page. Need some help? Reach out to your CSM or contact us at

For more information on our HubSpot integration, see our documentation here>

Stream Data from your Application to Chargify for Billing and Analysis

It’s easier than ever to send data from your application to Chargify Business Intelligence for custom analysis. With this information, you can hone in on how your users are consuming your product and identify key value metrics. Then, leverage this data to build complex, multi-attribute pricing models that charge your customers for the exact value they receive. 

Take a Data Ingestion Tool for example, with Events-Based Billing, they can charge different rates based on: Cloud Provider, Data Center Region, Cluster Type, and Availability.

Data Read Event Rate per GB:

Cloud Provider
Data Center Region
Cluster Type
Segment Rate
1AWSUS East N VirginiaBasicSingle Zone$0.0001/GB
2Microsoft AzureWest EuropeStandardMulti Zone$0.0009/GB
3Google CloudAPAC SydneyStandardMulti Zone$0.001/GB

To start streaming your data to Chargify, head to Business Intelligence and select ‘Manage Data Sources’. From there, you will be asked to define your new data source. You can follow this guide to start streaming your data in. 

For more information on Chargify Business Intelligence, see our documentation here>

Introducing Dashboard Theming for Business Intelligence

Dashboards that are easy to understand and consistent with your branding allow you to seamlessly convey the value you provide to your end users. We are thrilled to announce the release of advanced theming capabilities for your dashboards, allowing you to easily control the look and feel of your dashboards.Whether you are running business reviews with key clients or embedding metrics for a strategic partner, you can now provide a more cohesive experience for dashboards that are shared or embedded  outside of Chargify BI. 

Our Dashboard Theming feature has three main categories: General, Chart Elements and Visualization Types. You can access this functionality in Dashboard Edit mode from the top, right ‘Theming’ button. 

Dashboard Theming 

  • The General tab  allows you to select the overall data color palette that you want to apply to your dashboard. Here, you are also  able to set the background color, fonts, and space between your chart elements.
  • On the Chart Elements tab you can set the text font, color, and size for your chart titles, subtitles, legends, labels, grids, X- and Y-Axis, as well as tooltips. 
  • The look and feel of each Visualization Type (Line & Aera, Pie & Donut, Funnel, Metric, Table) can be defined on the last Theming tab. This includes things like line thickness, values style, labels, and colors. 

Dashboard Theming - General

Dashboard Theming - Chart Elements

Dashboard Theming - Visualization Types

Business Intelligence is included on all 2021 public plans. To request access or discuss adding BI to your plan, please reach out to us at 

For more information on Business Intelligence Dashboards, see our documentation here>

Enhanced Transactions Report Now Available in General Availability

The enhanced Transactions Report is now live and available for all Chargify users. The updated transactions page allows you to select a variety of filters and column selections, displaying the following items in a single page: 

  • Invoices
  • Payments
  • Credits
  • Refunds

This page has a user-friendly design offering the ability to customize your view, in addition to a separate tab for each transaction type, enabling you to segment and focus on specific transactions. In addition, the page offers an export of the transactional data with additional attributes if needed. 

For more information on the Transactions Report, see our documentation here>

Business Intelligence: Widget Naming and Filter Enhancements

Giving your stakeholders an easy way to interact with your dashboards empowers them to better understand the data and make impactful decisions across the organization. Our Product Team is continually working on enhancing charting functionality within Chargify Business Intelligence. 

We are excited to announce three new additions to dashboard settings, the ability to name your filters and date pickers, and an easy way for users to clear all dashboard filters. 

Naming Your Filters
We have added the option to name the filters on your dashboards. This will make it easier for users to know exactly how the filter will impact the connected charts.

Naming Dashboard Filters

Naming Your Date Pickers
We have added the option to name the date pickers on your dashboards. This will make it easier for users to know exactly how and where the selected date range will impact the connected charts.

Naming Dashboard Date Pickers

Clearing All Filters on a Dashboard  
We have made it easier for users to clear all selected filters on a dashboard with a single click.

Clearing Filters on a Dashboard

For more information on Business Intelligence, see our documentation here>

Business Intelligence: Chart Enhancements

Understanding your data and communicating it clearly to your key stakeholders is crucial in making impactful decisions across the organization. Our Product Team is continually working on enhancing charting functionality within Chargify Business Intelligence. We are excited to announce new chart settings, additional data handling, and some improvements to Heatmaps. 

Chart Settings
We have added additional settings options to our charts, so you can further customize how your data is presented. The settings available will depend on the visualization type that has been selected.

  • Legend - You now have the ability to turn the legend on and off as well as deciding its placement on the chart.
  • Grids - The vertical and horizontal grids can now be turned on and off.
  • Metric Chart title - The metric chart now also has titles and subtitles in line with all the other visualization types.

Chart Settings - Legend and Grids

Choropleth Chart
Support for US postal codes: You will now be able to see your MRR data by US state when you select the Choropleth visualization type. Visualizing your MRR data by country on a world map is also supported.

Heatmap Improvements
Support for negative values: It is now a lot easier to visualize negative values on a heatmap. This enables you to identify patterns by month across the MRR movement types.

Negative Values (Churn) on a Heat Map

New Filter Options via API for Invoicing

Last month we released a new endpoint to send invoices via API to mimic the behavior of the "Send Invoice" button within the UI. This endpoint enables you to programmatically deliver ad-hoc invoices as well as the re-send of auto-generated invoices, thus giving you control of when to send out an invoice. 

As we continue adding new API endpoints, we are excited to announce new filter options on exposed event types on an invoice. You can now filter for multiple event types on an invoice (e.g. issue_invoice, apply_credit_note, refund_invoice) using a comma separated list. Previously, you were able to filter by only 1 invoice event. 

For more information, see our documentation here>

Xero Integration: Component Quantities Shown on Invoice

Thanks to feedback from our customers, we are very excited to announce an enhancement to invoicing with our native Xero integration! The invoices produced out of Xero are now updated to align with the Chargify invoice quantity per each specific component your customer is billed on. Previously, the quantity was set to 1 with the total amount of the component noted in the unit price attribute. The actual quantity was only available in the line item description. This added functionality improves the ability to view and track in Xero the components sold to your customers.

For more information on Xero invoicing, see our documentation here>

A/R Export Enhancements

As your company scales, having the ability to effectively reconcile your invoices becomes critical in servicing your customers, detecting fraud, and saving time and money on costly errors. Chargify's Accounts Receivable report breaks down outstanding balances into invoiced amounts, payments, and refunds. To provide more intricate detail for your finance and accounting teams, we are excited to announce a new export option to the A/R report!  

The Invoice Application Detail export will allow you to select an Invoice Issue Date option. The date range will give you a snapshot of your invoices for a particular period of time and their exact status relative to a payment. In addition to including all invoices, regardless of paid status, it will also show their respective refunds, credits, and applied payments. The ability to reconcile invoices has never been easier!

For more information on the Accounts Receivable report, see our documentation here>

Backdating Issue Date on Ad-hoc Invoices

We understand that charges can occur outside of a normal billing cycle and therefore provide the functionality for you to send ad-hoc or one-time invoices. Many customers utilize ad-hoc invoices to sell services or items on a non-recurring basis to their customer base. We are excited to announce that our Product Team has made some exciting developments to these types of invoices! You can now backdate ad-hoc invoices using both the UI and API. 

If performing this in the UI, you go under Subscriptions > Invoices > Create an Invoice. There is a new input field for Issue Date in the top right of the ad-hoc invoice within the UI. The issue date will be set by default to the current date. In order to back date the issue date, you will use the date selector functionality by clicking into the Issue Date input field.

Alternatively, you can also backdate the issue date via the API with the "Create an Invoice Endpoint". If no issue date parameter is passed, then the issue date will default to the current date. If you desire to back date, you can simply pass an issue_date parameter of any date in the past.

The primary use case for backdating ad-hoc invoices is when you experience a delay in issuing an ad-hoc invoice but would still like for the invoice to be due at the same time it would have been had there been no delay. As an example, one-off usage is incurred but not charged until 7 days later and you want the due_date to reflect your standard net terms of 15 days. In this case, you could back date the ad-hoc invoice to the day the usage was incurred and set the due_date to Day 15.

For more information on backdating the issue date on ad-hoc invoices, see our documentation here>

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