Happy Holidays from Chargify and SaaSOptics!

Season's greetings from the entire team at Chargify and SaaSOptics! As the holiday season is upon us, we would like to announce that Chargify and SaaSOptics will be observing a company-wide Winter Break from December 24th through December 31st. Standard hours of operation will resume on January 3, 2022. 

Our support team will be monitoring for urgent system availability issues only during this time. If you believe you will need to connect with a member of our customer success and support teams, please contact us before our winter break. 

We wish you a peaceful and prosperous New Year and look forward to serving you refreshed and renewed in 2022. 

Subscriptions Index Column Editor

Over the past several months our Product Design Team has released enhancements to the Subscription Index UI so that your customer-facing teams can navigate and search for subscriptions with ease. These have included new filtering options that includes subscription groups in addition to enhanced search capabilities. 

Today we are excited to announce we have added the ability to customize columns! We understand workflows can vary from department to department or even between sites within your Chargify environment. This customization feature allows you to quickly see the information you need with pick and choose columns such as 'Signup Date', 'Period Start', 'Collection Method' and more!  

Head over to the Subscription Index UI and check it out! 

Introducing Chargify's Newest Help Documentation

Having access to stellar product documentation is key to how you and your teams gain the most out of using Chargify day-in and day-out. Finding answers quickly when questions arise enables autonomy to quickly troubleshoot, giving our users full control. 

Today, we are very excited to announce that we have given our Help Documentation a complete refresh! The new site was reorganized to display a cleaner look with updated content, allowing for a more intuitive browsing experience. 

This is the first step in making sweeping improvements to our self-service educational resources. In the coming months, you can expect further improvements to our content as well as easier and faster ways to find the answers to your questions.

You can find the new Chargify help site here>

Chargify Now Available in HubSpot's App Marketplace

We are very excited to announce that Chargify is now listed on the HubSpot App MarketplaceThe listing provides another method for easily integrating HubSpot and Chargify. 

Updated in real-time, this bi-directional sync between Chargify and HubSpot is a game changer for those looking to gain efficiencies for their customer-facing teams while simultaneously breaking down data silos. Integrating your Chargify and HubSpot environment allows you to leverage all of your rich billing data in one application, bringing together sales, customer success, support and marketing teams. 

Many of our customers today are realizing the value of integrating their HubSpot and Chargify environments, as use cases span further than billing, finance, and accounting. Your sales team can easily sell, upgrade, downgrade and manage subscriptions through deals or quotes. Your customer success and support teams will have visibility to the wide array of billing data so they can seamlessly provide top-notice service to your customers quickly. Furthermore, your marketing team will reap benefits from having your billing data synced over to HubSpot where they can easily identify insightful growth churn trends that can drive data-based marketing campaigns.

Interested in integrating your Chargify and HubSpot environments today? Head on over to the HubSpot App Marketplace to download and install, or turn on via the configuration wizard within Chargify's 'Integrations' page. Need some help? Reach out to your CSM or contact us at support@chargify.com

For more information on our HubSpot integration, see our documentation here>

Subscription Filtering by Groups

Many of our customers today are leveraging the use of Subscription Groups to consolidate invoicing for their customers with multiple subscriptions. In using the Subscription Index within the UI, we are excited to announce an added filter for this subscription type!

Our Product Team has added the ability to filter between Subscription Type, now supporting three types under the 'More Filters' dropdown:

  • All
  • Individual Subscription
  • Subscription Groups

This added filter will provide your customer-facing teams a quick glance on the health of your subscription groups leading to faster turnaround time on decisions and inquiries. 

Head over to the Subscription Index UI and check it out! 

Subscription Index UI Enhancements

Managing your subscriptions in Chargify should be as easy and seamless as possible, from the sign-up to look-up of information on your customer base. As we look to continually enhance our UI look and feel, many of our customers recently sat down with our Product Design Team to provide feedback on how we can improve the Subscription Index UI. 

Today, we are excited to announce that we have made several enhancements that will delight our users through a more simplistic design. We have added new filtering options with an improved search capability in addition to a new 'Product' column. 

Head over to the Subscription Index UI and check it out! 

Stream Data from your Application to Chargify for Billing and Analysis

It’s easier than ever to send data from your application to Chargify Business Intelligence for custom analysis. With this information, you can hone in on how your users are consuming your product and identify key value metrics. Then, leverage this data to build complex, multi-attribute pricing models that charge your customers for the exact value they receive. 

Take a Data Ingestion Tool for example, with Events-Based Billing, they can charge different rates based on: Cloud Provider, Data Center Region, Cluster Type, and Availability.

Data Read Event Rate per GB:

Cloud Provider
Data Center Region
Cluster Type
Segment Rate
1AWSUS East N VirginiaBasicSingle Zone$0.0001/GB
2Microsoft AzureWest EuropeStandardMulti Zone$0.0009/GB
3Google CloudAPAC SydneyStandardMulti Zone$0.001/GB

To start streaming your data to Chargify, head to Business Intelligence and select ‘Manage Data Sources’. From there, you will be asked to define your new data source. You can follow this guide to start streaming your data in. 

For more information on Chargify Business Intelligence, see our documentation here>

Introducing Dashboard Theming for Business Intelligence

Dashboards that are easy to understand and consistent with your branding allow you to seamlessly convey the value you provide to your end users. We are thrilled to announce the release of advanced theming capabilities for your dashboards, allowing you to easily control the look and feel of your dashboards.Whether you are running business reviews with key clients or embedding metrics for a strategic partner, you can now provide a more cohesive experience for dashboards that are shared or embedded  outside of Chargify BI. 

Our Dashboard Theming feature has three main categories: General, Chart Elements and Visualization Types. You can access this functionality in Dashboard Edit mode from the top, right ‘Theming’ button. 

Dashboard Theming 

  • The General tab  allows you to select the overall data color palette that you want to apply to your dashboard. Here, you are also  able to set the background color, fonts, and space between your chart elements.
  • On the Chart Elements tab you can set the text font, color, and size for your chart titles, subtitles, legends, labels, grids, X- and Y-Axis, as well as tooltips. 
  • The look and feel of each Visualization Type (Line & Aera, Pie & Donut, Funnel, Metric, Table) can be defined on the last Theming tab. This includes things like line thickness, values style, labels, and colors. 

Dashboard Theming - General

Dashboard Theming - Chart Elements

Dashboard Theming - Visualization Types

Business Intelligence is included on all 2021 public plans. To request access or discuss adding BI to your plan, please reach out to us at support@chargify.com 

For more information on Business Intelligence Dashboards, see our documentation here>

Enhanced Transactions Report Now Available in General Availability

The enhanced Transactions Report is now live and available for all Chargify users. The updated transactions page allows you to select a variety of filters and column selections, displaying the following items in a single page: 

  • Invoices
  • Payments
  • Credits
  • Refunds

This page has a user-friendly design offering the ability to customize your view, in addition to a separate tab for each transaction type, enabling you to segment and focus on specific transactions. In addition, the page offers an export of the transactional data with additional attributes if needed. 

For more information on the Transactions Report, see our documentation here>

Component Dunning

Subscription businesses are prone to failed customer payments from time to time. Having an effective dunning strategy can help prevent churn and is important in resolving customer's failed payments swiftly. Within Chargify, you have the flexibility in tailoring your communication approach, in addition to the pre-built templates, for your customers entering the dunning process.  

Today we are excited to announce a new feature added to our dunning functionality. Introducing mid-period component dunning! This new feature allows for failed mid-period component allocations payment to move a subscription into dunning. This allows your customer and team to be alerted to any issues with a mid-period allocation payment. 

For more information on dunning strategies, see our documentation here>

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