Reactivate Subscriptions with Prepayments and Service Credits

Sometimes customer subscriptions need to be reinstated after being cancelled. Instead of creating a brand new subscription, our reactivation functionality allows you to reinstate a subscription with the following options: 

  • Start a New Billing Period
  • Resume Billing Period
  • Collect Any Outstanding Balances 
  • Include Trialing Period 

In addition to those listed above, we are excited to announce that our Product Team has added new options for you to adjust how this reactivation gets paid by allowing for Service Credits and Prepayments to be selected. 

When this option is selected, any Service Credits and Prepayments on the subscription will be applied to the reactivation charge before attempting to use the customers' payment profile. 

For more information on reactivating a subscription, see our documentation here>

Updating Invoices with Customer Record Changes

Sending an invoice with incorrect customer information causes pain for both your end-customer and your team through added confusion, delays in payment, and possible brand damage. With Chargify, you never have to send an invoice with outdated customer information due to our latest enhancements to invoices in the UI!
As you produce new invoices in-app, you will now see an indicator on every open invoice letting you know if the customer information has changed since the invoice was issued. If your customer information has been changed, there is a clickable link for you to select so you can review the changes we detected and apply them to the invoice.

For more information on updating invoices, see our documentation here>

Backdating Issue Date on Ad-hoc Invoices

We understand that charges can occur outside of a normal billing cycle and therefore provide the functionality for you to send ad-hoc or one-time invoices. Many customers utilize ad-hoc invoices to sell services or items on a non-recurring basis to their customer base. We are excited to announce that our Product Team has made some exciting developments to these types of invoices! You can now backdate ad-hoc invoices using both the UI and API. 

If performing this in the UI, you go under Subscriptions > Invoices > Create an Invoice. There is a new input field for Issue Date in the top right of the ad-hoc invoice within the UI. The issue date will be set by default to the current date. In order to back date the issue date, you will use the date selector functionality by clicking into the Issue Date input field.

Alternatively, you can also backdate the issue date via the API with the "Create an Invoice Endpoint". If no issue date parameter is passed, then the issue date will default to the current date. If you desire to back date, you can simply pass an issue_date parameter of any date in the past.

The primary use case for backdating ad-hoc invoices is when you experience a delay in issuing an ad-hoc invoice but would still like for the invoice to be due at the same time it would have been had there been no delay. As an example, one-off usage is incurred but not charged until 7 days later and you want the due_date to reflect your standard net terms of 15 days. In this case, you could back date the ad-hoc invoice to the day the usage was incurred and set the due_date to Day 15.

For more information on backdating the issue date on ad-hoc invoices, see our documentation here>

Proforma Invoices for Subscription Groups

Proforma invoices are an easy way to provide your customers with a preview of the upcoming charges and/or renewal of their subscription(s). After receiving valuable feedback from our users of proforma, we are happy to announce the extension of this functionality to Subscription Groups. 

You can now view and generate a proforma invoice prior to a group's next billing period, keeping you and the customer up-to-date on all of their consolidated subscriptions. If changes need to be made, just make the adjustments to the subscription and regenerate the proforma invoice with the new pricing. 

For more information on Proforma Invoices for Subscription Groups, see our documentation here>

Subscription Group Enhancements

Simplifying your customers billing is a necessary step in providing a delightful experience with your product. At Chargify, we love knowing our Subscriptions Group functionality provides an easy way to bill your customers when they have multiple subscriptions by consolidating invoices. We are excited to share a few enhancements to Subscription Groups, all thanks to the valuable feedback we have received from our customers! 

Chargify users will now be able to manage service credits and prepayments on the subscription group level, instead of the individual level. Additionally, users can now update the group payers payment profile and cancel an entire subscription group with one action. We hope this will save you time and energy in managing your customers' multiple subscriptions. 

For more information on these Subscription Group enhancements, see our documentation here>

Importing of Cancelled Subscriptions

Having the continuity with your historical data for your customers in a single system makes your life easier by providing "the big picture" on your subscriber base. Because of this, we are excited to announce that we have hit another milestone on our product roadmap to import your historical data into Chargify. 

You now have the ability to import cancelled subscriptions. Importing cancelled subscriptions can be done either through the UI with a CSV or via the API. Once imported, you will be able to see all of the historic cancelled subscriptions on the Subscriptions Page (Billing > Subscriptions)

For more information on the minimum requirements for creating cancelled subscriptions, see our documentation here>

For our API documentation on importing cancelled subscription, please click here>

Salesforce: Creating and Downgrading Opportunities

Having a variety of flexible options when configuring your settings for your Salesforce integration is great and what's even better is being able to choose which ones you turn on/off. Because of this we are excited to announce our latest enhancement to the Salesforce integration, allowing you to enable an "Upgrade/Downgrade Oppty Amount Difference". 

Understanding not all of our customers manage their sales process the same, this new configuration setting will calculate the values on the opportunity based off the value of the original subscription to what it will be now (via upgrading or downgrading the subscription). There are 3 types of proration that will be available when upgrading/downgrading a subscription on an opportunity: 

  • If “Preserve Period” is selected,  the normal next billing date will be respected;
  • If “Include Trial” is selected, the new products trial will be included on the subscription;
  • If “Include Initial” is selected, the setup fee will be included at the time of Upgrade/Downgrade

For more information on our Salesforce integration, see our documentation here>

Proforma Static Updates

Keeping in constant communication with your customers about their upcoming renewal is important to maintaining your recurring revenue. That is why we have continued to grow our proforma invoice feature set so you can share with your customers easily. 

We have added the ability to email your customers their proforma invoice(s) by:  

  • Utilizing the existing email capabilities in Chargify with customizable proforma email templates; OR 
  • Saving the proforma invoice as a PDF you can share; OR 
  • Creating a static customer facing URLs to the proforma invoice

In addition, there is a saved history for all of the previously generated proforma invoices.  

For more information on proforma invoices, see our documentation here>

Salesforce: Activating All Subscriptions From Opportunity Record

Organizations whose customer-facing teams sell, manage, and upgrade subscriptions in a central hub like Salesforce have increased operational efficiency. And by having the ability to create many subscriptions under one opportunity record in Salesforce, sales teams save even more time.

The latest update to our Salesforce integration allows you to activate all subscriptions created under one opportunity record to flow over to Chargify. This prevents your sales team in closing-won multiple opportunities when more than 1 subscription is involved, saving them time so they can focus on what they do best: selling.

For more information on our Salesforce integration, see our documentation here>

Happy 1 Year Anniversary! Events-Based Billing at Chargify

It’s time to celebrate! Events-Based Billing was launched one year ago, and we are thrilled to see the value it is bringing many of our customers. Events-Based Billing is the future of usage-based and metered billing, allowing for the most complex SaaS billing models to take form.Since its initial launch, we have received lots of feedback and have made enhancements:
  • Introduced Multi-Attribute Rating
  • Invoice Template Updates 
Multi-Attribute Rating allows you to dynamically create segments from your events and define targeted pricing for each segment. This  enables increased price flexibility and invoice clarity, which in turn, prevents catalog bloat.

The invoice template was updated to clearly outline how your customers are charged for the value they receive. A new “Usage Details” section is included at the bottom of the invoice detailing both the amount consumed and unique price for each applied rate. 

With Events-Based Billing, your customers see exactly what they’re being billed for, even in the most complex pricing scenarios. Your applications’ usage data is ingested by Chargify in real time, allowing you to offer the ultimate customer-centric billing model. To learn how to start using Events-Based Billing today, please contact Chargify Support or your Customer Success Manager. 

For more information on Events-Based Billing, see our documentation here>
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