Business Intelligence Demo Video

Over the past few weeks, we’ve highlighted the powerful capabilities of Chargify Business Intelligence and how they enable you to get a granular, 360-degree view of your business. 

Now, you can see it in action. Here is an end-to-end walkthrough video that will take you through:

  • Out-of-the-box metrics and dashboards
  • Cloning and customizing a metric
  • Creating a metric from scratch
  • Building and sharing a dashboard

Interested in getting access to Chargify Business Intelligence? Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or

For more information on Chargify Business Intelligence, see our documentation here>

Streaming in Third-Party Data with Chargify Business Intelligence

Chargify Business Intelligence enables you to stream in data from external sources (e.g. your application and tools in your tech stack) and analyze it alongside your Chargify data. You have 3 different ways to achieve this:

Adding Custom Fields

Custom fields can be used to enrich your Chargify data to enable more granular reporting and filtering of your subscription and billing data. Custom fields can be added via a few different methods:

  • Manually populate a custom field on a Customer or Subscription in Chargify. More information is available here.
  • Use our API to create and populate custom fields.
  • Use our Salesforce integration to update custom fields. Read more about Salesforce custom fields here.

Find out more about custom fields here

Using the Chargify API Endpoint Method

The Chargify API endpoint allows you to stream in any third-party data (i.e. Salesforce, Zendesk, Jira, your application, etc.) to Chargify Business Intelligence. Documentation on how to create the endpoint and start streaming data from your own applications and other systems can be found here. Third-party data streamed to Chargify becomes available to query and visualize in the same way as our built-in data sources. 

Apache Kafka Endpoint Method

Chargify Business Intelligence is built on top of the Keen technology (powered by Apache Kafka), giving you the option to connect over Kafka protocol programmatically. You can use the endpoint to programmatically stream external data to Chargify Business Intelligence over a widely supported and robust protocol. By leveraging the Chargify Kafka endpoint and stream mirroring, you can stream part of that data to Chargify Business Intelligence and analyze it with your billing data.

In the near future, we will provide tutorials on how to stream in data via this method using Airbyte, an open-source data integration pipeline.  

Interested in getting access to Chargify Business Intelligence? Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or

For more information on Chargify Business Intelligence, see our documentation here>

Finance Report Enhancement

Tracking your monthly performance in terms of total sales provides you and your team a pulse on your revenue flow that can help identify growth opportunities and trends. Chargify's Finance Report provides monthly totals of your Total Billed, Payments, and Expected Payments. It breaks down Total Billed into Sales, Discounts, Taxes, and Credits.
To more closely align with the data presented, we are excited to announce a modification to the report terminology. In both the UI and exports, the Revenue fields have been updated to Total Billed less Tax as the report measures sales performance based on billed amount.

For more information on the Finance Report, see our documentation here

Business Intelligence Custom Data Exports

Chargify Business Intelligence enables you to create custom data exports, so exactly what you need is all in one place. This saves you the time of having to aggregate multiple exports together and reduces the file size, making it easier to work with.  To create a custom export, use the ‘Extraction’ analysis type. Extractions allow you to pick the ‘Properties to Extract’, apply filters, and set the timeframe. Each property can be dragged into the desired order. 

Once you have finished configuring the metric, you can preview a set number of records, download the result as a CSV, or extract the result to an email. Extractions can also be added to dashboards to serve as a drill down that provides the raw data of a chart as context.

Interested in getting access to Chargify Business Intelligence? Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or

For more information on Chargify Business Intelligence, see our documentation here>

Sharing Data from Business Intelligence

Chargify Business Intelligence allows you to share data and interactive dashboards with non-Chargify users so that key stakeholders get the insights they need. 

Sharing Dashboards 
There are two ways that you can share a dashboard outside the Chargify application:

  • Public URL:  Making a dashboard public and sharing it will mean that anyone accessing it will be able to view the data and filter it via any added Filters or Date Pickers. The data is read only. 
  • Embed HTML:  The second way to share public dashboards is by using the code snippet. For added security we recommend embedding this on web pages that have to be accessed with login credentials.

Exporting Data  
There are two ways that you can export data from Chargify:

  • Extraction: The Extraction analysis type exports the raw data from the selected data source as a CSV. You can select the specific properties to export and apply filters to reduce the number of rows.
  • Download Metric Result: The result of a Metric can be downloaded as a CSV, an Image, or JSON. This is the computed result and not the raw data. For raw data, you can run an Extraction.

Embedding HTML

Sharing a Public Link

Exporting Image, CSV, or JSON

Interested in getting access to Chargify Business Intelligence? Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or

For more information on Chargify Business Intelligence, see our documentation here>

Chargify Business Intelligence: Creating a Metric from Scratch

Chargify Business Intelligence (BI) enables you to perform custom analysis on your Chargify data and align it to your reporting framework by creating metrics. Metrics query your data based on selectable parameters and return a visualization. Chargify BI offers 10 chart types with variants (e.g. stacked, grouped, percentage) allowing you to present your data in an easy-to-understand format.

You can quickly build metrics using our Explorer tool. Simply select the analysis to perform, the data to analyze, and the timeframe for the analysis. Then, add filters and groupings to uncover the granular, segmented insights you need to drive data-backed growth.

Metrics can be saved and easily run for a real-time view of your business. Add your saved metrics to a dashboard and then securely share information with key internal or external stakeholders.

Interested in getting access to Chargify Business Intelligence? Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or

For more information on Chargify Business Intelligence, see our documentation here>

Proforma Invoices for Subscription Groups

Proforma invoices are an easy way to provide your customers with a preview of the upcoming charges and/or renewal of their subscription(s). After receiving valuable feedback from our users of proforma, we are happy to announce the extension of this functionality to Subscription Groups. 

You can now view and generate a proforma invoice prior to a group's next billing period, keeping you and the customer up-to-date on all of their consolidated subscriptions. If changes need to be made, just make the adjustments to the subscription and regenerate the proforma invoice with the new pricing. 

For more information on Proforma Invoices for Subscription Groups, see our documentation here>

Transactions Page Available in Beta

The transactions page for relationship invoicing sites is now available in beta! Viewing and exporting transactional data is easier than ever using the intuitive and simple design. Chargify users are now able to see all invoices, payments, credits, and refunds in a single page with a variety of filter and column selection options.

The robust filtering options include customer, subscription, amount, date range, product, last four of credit card, and status. The page has a user-friendly design and offers the ability to customize columns to fit your specific needs. It also includes a separate tab for each transaction type (e.g. invoices) enabling users to focus on a specific subset of data. The page offers export of your transactional data including additional data attributes giving you the power to slice-and-dice data any way you’d like.

Interested in getting beta access? Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or

For more information on the transactions page, see our documentation here>

Subscription Group Enhancements

Simplifying your customers billing is a necessary step in providing a delightful experience with your product. At Chargify, we love knowing our Subscriptions Group functionality provides an easy way to bill your customers when they have multiple subscriptions by consolidating invoices. We are excited to share a few enhancements to Subscription Groups, all thanks to the valuable feedback we have received from our customers! 

Chargify users will now be able to manage service credits and prepayments on the subscription group level, instead of the individual level. Additionally, users can now update the group payers payment profile and cancel an entire subscription group with one action. We hope this will save you time and energy in managing your customers' multiple subscriptions. 

For more information on these Subscription Group enhancements, see our documentation here>

Chargify Business Intelligence: Dashboard Creator

On May 4th, we released Chargify Business Intelligence (BI), providing our customers with the most powerful reporting and analytics tool seen in the recurring billing space. We will continue to bring you frequent updates on the robust functionality BI offers you and your team. This week, we are talking about the Dashboard Creator, a tool that allows you to build interactive dashboards using your saved metrics.

The Dashboard Creator enables you to create custom dashboards and securely share them with key stakeholders. To help you get started, Chargify Business Intelligence provides 7 out-of-the-box dashboards tailored by user (e.g. Executive, Finance, Customer Success). These dashboards can be cloned and customized to align with your organization's reporting framework.

Interested in getting access to Chargify Business Intelligence? Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or

For more information on Chargify Business Intelligence Dashboards, see our documentation here>

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