Send Multiple Invoices to Customer in One Email

Providing a convenient, fast, and safe method on collecting payment from your customers is key to building and maintaining that recurring revenue relationship. Chargify's core functionality on sending invoices provides an easy way to both send automatic and ad-hoc invoices via email. 

We are excited to announce that we have extended our functionality to include sending multiple invoices to a customer in one email. When managing a subscription’s invoices, you can apply filters to refine the invoice selections before selecting 'Email Customer' option. You can attach up to 24 invoices in one single email.

For more information on sending emailed invoices to customers, see our documentation here>

Subscription Index UI Enhancements

Managing your subscriptions in Chargify should be as easy and seamless as possible, from the sign-up to look-up of information on your customer base. As we look to continually enhance our UI look and feel, many of our customers recently sat down with our Product Design Team to provide feedback on how we can improve the Subscription Index UI. 

Today, we are excited to announce that we have made several enhancements that will delight our users through a more simplistic design. We have added new filtering options with an improved search capability in addition to a new 'Product' column. 

Head over to the Subscription Index UI and check it out! 

Backdate a Received Date for External Payments

We understand that some of our customers are entering external payments into Chargify, and oftentimes the day it gets entered is not the same day it was received. In order to support downstream reporting and align the date you received these external payments (such as paper checks via mail), you can now specify a received_on date for external payments. 

In the UI, users can provide an effective date via Invoices > Invoice Show > Record Payment > Record External Payment. The received_on date will be set to the current day by default, but the user can backdate by changing the received_on field.

For historic reporting, this field has been backfilled with the created_date date in order to facilitate reporting from this field; however, the received_on date can only be different from the created_date going forward. 

In the UI, received_on will be exposed in the /payments and /transactions pages and exports. Please note that this is the /transactions page, not the new Transactions Report page. There are plans to add this field to the new Transactions Report page in the future.

The received_on date is also available via the following API endpoints: transactions, invoice, and invoice-events. 

For more information on backdating a received date for external payments, see our documentation here>

Include Avalara Sales Tax When Creating Price Points

The tax landscape for recurring revenue businesses can oftentimes be difficult to manage, leading to confusion on how to effectively apply taxes to your products and services. Adding to that complexity is determining a final price for your product that includes tax so that your customers are only advertised and charged one single price.

Within Chargify, your Avalara Managed Sales Tax account helps eliminate the ongoing headaches in managing sales tax for your recurring revenue business. Adding to Chargify's native Avalara functionality, our Product Team was recently working on a beta feature with some of our customers. We are happy to announce that this new feature is now in general availability!  

You can now utilize a 'tax included' option when setting your final prices in your Product Catalog within the UI. For example, if you want the final price (with taxes included) to be $20 for one of your subscription offerings, you can choose the "Tax included in price?" when building out your price point. Your customer will be billed $20, and in turn you will be collecting your subscription base price + tax. 

For more information on Avalara Managed Sales Tax, see our documentation for products here and for components here>

Immediately Charge Existing Payment Method on Ad-Hoc Invoices

In a customer-centric world, selling add-ons, services, or products outside of your recurring subscriptions can become a common practice. Because of this, we love knowing that our customers can take advantage of ad-hoc (one-off) invoices, either within the UI or API. Our Billing Team has released several enhancements to one-off invoicing over the past several months, from backdating functionality, new filtering options (via API), and a date selector modal. 

Today, we are excited to announce that you now have the option to immediately collect payment on these ad-hoc invoices. Two options are available when creating an ad-hoc invoice in the UI: 

  1. The invoice will be marked for remittance payment; or 
  2. The invoice amount will be collected automatically from the payment method on file 

In addition, users can select the desired behavior if payment fails. The ad-hoc invoice can either: 

  1. Roll back (not be created); or
  2. The status can be set to 'Open' and Chargify will attempt collection at the next scheduled renewal 

The default behavior can be set in your Site Settings. However, behavior for individual and ad-hoc invoices can be overridden. Payment instructions can be sent via API with the payment_instrucions parameter. If payment instructions are not specified, the settings for the invoice will default to the site settings.

For more information, see our ad-hoc invoice documentation or API documentation here>

Product Catalog UI Enhancements

After receiving valuable feedback from our customers, we are excited to bring 3 efficiency-boosting Product Catalog UI enhancements that our Billing Team has been working on! The following enhancements provide a more intuitive way of managing your Product Families, Products, Components or Coupons. It also includes converted currency amounts shown during price updates and changes. 

First, the Product Families view are now listed from newest to oldest. We heard from our customers that your newer Product Families are the ones you work with the most, so this will cut back from having your team navigate to the bottom of the list or several pages in to get to what you're looking for. 

Second, after editing a Product, Component, or Coupon on the Products Page, this page will not return the user to the same place they left off. You will no longer be returned to the main Products Page after submitting an edit. 

Third, converted amounts are now provided when configuring definitive pricing. This will save the user from having to check fx rates outside of Chargify. 

For more information on our Products Catalog, see our documentation here>

Ad-hoc Invoice Date Selector Modal

At times you may be selling additional services and add-ons to your customers that are outside of their recurring subscriptions. With Chargify's ad-hoc invoice feature, you can easily create those additional charges with the option of backdating the creation date. 

We are happy to announce that we have added an intuitive date selector modal for how the Issue Date, Due Date, and Net Terms interact within the UI. You can now: 

  • Enter dates directly by keeping Net Terms equal to 'Calculate from Dates' 
  • Set Net Terms first (changing either date will dynamically change the other)  

For more information on Invoices at Chargify, see our documentation here>

Specify Invoice Recipients from the Admin UI

We understand that some of your customers need to have multiple recipients of an invoice for increased visibility amongst teams. We are excited to announce that you now have the ability to specify additional recipients when sending invoices from the Admin UI. 

Prior to this update, clicking the 'Send Invoice' button would automatically send the invoice to the primary contact on the account. Now, the UI will prompt the user with a modal which will be pre-populated with the primary contact, and additional contacts can be added on the To:, CC:, and BCC: fields. 

For more information on invoices in Chargify, see our documentation here>

Enhanced Transactions Report Now Available in General Availability

The enhanced Transactions Report is now live and available for all Chargify users. The updated transactions page allows you to select a variety of filters and column selections, displaying the following items in a single page: 

  • Invoices
  • Payments
  • Credits
  • Refunds

This page has a user-friendly design offering the ability to customize your view, in addition to a separate tab for each transaction type, enabling you to segment and focus on specific transactions. In addition, the page offers an export of the transactional data with additional attributes if needed. 

For more information on the Transactions Report, see our documentation here>

Business Intelligence: Widget Naming and Filter Enhancements

Giving your stakeholders an easy way to interact with your dashboards empowers them to better understand the data and make impactful decisions across the organization. Our Product Team is continually working on enhancing charting functionality within Chargify Business Intelligence. 

We are excited to announce three new additions to dashboard settings, the ability to name your filters and date pickers, and an easy way for users to clear all dashboard filters. 

Naming Your Filters
We have added the option to name the filters on your dashboards. This will make it easier for users to know exactly how the filter will impact the connected charts.

Naming Dashboard Filters

Naming Your Date Pickers
We have added the option to name the date pickers on your dashboards. This will make it easier for users to know exactly how and where the selected date range will impact the connected charts.

Naming Dashboard Date Pickers

Clearing All Filters on a Dashboard  
We have made it easier for users to clear all selected filters on a dashboard with a single click.

Clearing Filters on a Dashboard

For more information on Business Intelligence, see our documentation here>

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