Proforma Static Updates

Keeping in constant communication with your customers about their upcoming renewal is important to maintaining your recurring revenue. That is why we have continued to grow our proforma invoice feature set so you can share with your customers easily. 

We have added the ability to email your customers their proforma invoice(s) by:  

  • Utilizing the existing email capabilities in Chargify with customizable proforma email templates; OR 
  • Saving the proforma invoice as a PDF you can share; OR 
  • Creating a static customer facing URLs to the proforma invoice

In addition, there is a saved history for all of the previously generated proforma invoices.  

For more information on proforma invoices, see our documentation here>

Salesforce: Activating All Subscriptions From Opportunity Record

Organizations whose customer-facing teams sell, manage, and upgrade subscriptions in a central hub like Salesforce have increased operational efficiency. And by having the ability to create many subscriptions under one opportunity record in Salesforce, sales teams save even more time.

The latest update to our Salesforce integration allows you to activate all subscriptions created under one opportunity record to flow over to Chargify. This prevents your sales team in closing-won multiple opportunities when more than 1 subscription is involved, saving them time so they can focus on what they do best: selling.

For more information on our Salesforce integration, see our documentation here>

Happy 1 Year Anniversary! Events-Based Billing at Chargify

It’s time to celebrate! Events-Based Billing was launched one year ago, and we are thrilled to see the value it is bringing many of our customers. Events-Based Billing is the future of usage-based and metered billing, allowing for the most complex SaaS billing models to take form.Since its initial launch, we have received lots of feedback and have made enhancements:
  • Introduced Multi-Attribute Rating
  • Invoice Template Updates 
Multi-Attribute Rating allows you to dynamically create segments from your events and define targeted pricing for each segment. This  enables increased price flexibility and invoice clarity, which in turn, prevents catalog bloat.

The invoice template was updated to clearly outline how your customers are charged for the value they receive. A new “Usage Details” section is included at the bottom of the invoice detailing both the amount consumed and unique price for each applied rate. 

With Events-Based Billing, your customers see exactly what they’re being billed for, even in the most complex pricing scenarios. Your applications’ usage data is ingested by Chargify in real time, allowing you to offer the ultimate customer-centric billing model. To learn how to start using Events-Based Billing today, please contact Chargify Support or your Customer Success Manager. 

For more information on Events-Based Billing, see our documentation here>

Schedule Future Date for Subscription Cancellation

We understand your business requires flexibility when serving your customers, and that sometimes customers leave. To make this process as painless as possible, you can now specify any future date as a Subscriptions cancellation date. This option and our previously supported cancellation choices ('Cancelling Immediately' and 'Cancel at End of Period') will now be within the 'Cancellation Timing' drop down on the Cancel Subscription page. To start using these cancellation options, simply select on the drop down menu when initiating a cancellation.  

For more information on cancelling a subscription, see our documentation here>

Proforma Invoice Preview

Knowing exactly what you will be charging your customers is vital to running your business and maintaining client relationships. Proforma invoices has been a feature request asked by many of our customers, so we are excited to announce the completion of its first roadmap milestone. The new proforma preview feature will allow you to view the next billing invoice amount for a subscription. 

This previewing function is the first milestone in our Proforma roadmap feature request. This can be used in your formal review processes when upgrading your customers on an annual basis, for example.  

For more information on Proforma Invoices, see our documentation here>

Subscription Groups in Salesforce

Our latest Salesforce integration (v3) is continually being enhanced to parody the functionality in Chargify that is used by your sales & support teams, preventing them to swivel between two systems to serve your customers' needs. The latest update to our Salesforce integration now utilizes Chargify’s Subscription Groups. When creating a subscription you can now select if the subscription should be billed individually or in a consolidated invoice with other subscriptions. 

For more information on our latest integration with Salesforce, see our documentation here>

Create One-Off Invoice via the API

We are excited to continually provide you new API endpoints that surface our core functionality outside of our UI, allowing for full flexibility of how you bill your customers. Our latest API endpoint is creating ad-hoc invoices for one-off services or products, separate from your recurring charges. With these one-off invoices you can directly feed in everything that will be charged including the price, description and item being sold and you can set these invoices to be paid either by remittance or automatic payment collections.  They can have multiple line items, a custom memo, and all other basic attributes you get when you create the one-time invoice in the UI.

For more information on how to create a one-off invoice via the API, see our documentation here>

Subscription Migration Preview Available via the API

As customers upgrade or change their subscriptions with you, providing a preview of their updated charges is a great way to mitigate surprises and keep customers happy! Chargify's latest API enhancement enables you to do just that. The 'Preview Migration' API call allows you to pull the prorated new charge amount based on a specified date (within the current billing period). Simply pass in the future date and get the corresponding prorated adjustment, charge, payment and credit applied values.

For more information on product migrations via the API, see our API documentation here>

Gain Predictable Recurring Revenue with Prepaid Subscriptions

You can now provide your customers with a new subscription type: Prepaid. Our latest core functionality allows you to create prepaid usage-based billing models providing a safety net for your recurring, predictable revenue. This new subscription type works with either metered or events-based components, giving you full flexibility on how you want to charge and how your customers want to use and pay for your product or service. Your customers can gain peace of mind with a true value-based pricing model where they pay in advance for usage they will decrement against as they use your product or service. 

With real-time visibility, both you and your customers benefit from always knowing the exact state of funded balances and usage against those balances. In addition, auto-replenishment is an option so that your customers can decide when to re-up their balance after hitting a specifically defined threshold, that is set at the customer level, not the product level. This added level of customization provides you the ability to provide a white-glove service approach to your customers. 

Prepaid Subscriptions also come with sophisticated notification workflows that can keep all or some of your customers in the know of where they stand with their prepaid usage. Customers always know what usage they have paid for with invoices generated at the end of each renewal period.

For more information on Prepaid Subscriptions, see our documentation here>  

Enhanced Finance Report Now in General Availability

The new version of the Finance Report is now live and is available for users. We have made several enhancements to the layout of the new report for added detail and clarity. The new report provides:

  • Sales broken out by component type
  • Credits broken out by credit type
  • Net Payments by subtracting Refunds from Payments
  • An ‘In Collections’ subcategory of Expected Payments for subscriptions that have failed Dunning but have open invoices
  • Access to the old layout at the bottom of the page for easy comparison between versions

For more information on the Finance Report, see our documentation here>

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