New Exhibitor Features

You've got to see these cool new feature updates to our virtual Exhibitor Experience!

For Attendees
Give attendees the ability to message booth staff without having to connect via Exhibitor Chat. 

For Exhibitors
Organizers and Exhibitors have access to view multiple lead stages and some neat virtual booth statistics, like:

  • Leads: See all unique visitors, including total leads 
  • Inquiries: Review who chatted and left an inquiry in the chat
  • Connections: View who left their business card
  • Meetings Set: See who has scheduled a meeting with booth staff member(s)

More engagement and data, all in one place.
#TheBoomsetWay 😎 

Until next time,
- The Boomset Team

Exhibitor Meeting Scheduler

Attendees can connect with exhibitors and book meetings on the virtual event platform!

  • Attendees can directly book meetings with exhibitors 
  • Exhibitors can block/unblock meeting slots in their schedule
  • Attendees and Exhibitors can view meetings scheduled along with the entire event schedule for more efficient visibility 

The event organizer is in full control of setting the meeting length and overall time frame for meetings. Additionally, they have the ability to block a specific time frame when meetings cannot be scheduled at the event.

Until next time,
- The Boomset Team